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The Government of Ontario is undertaking public consultations about the design of the proposed Ontario Retirement Pension Plan. OCUFA will be submitting a brief and participating in the consultations, and we also encourage faculty associations to participate. Upcoming locations for in-person consultations include Markham, Brampton, Thunder Bay, Ottawa, Etobicoke, Windsor, Woodstock and Stratford. These meetings […]

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The Government of Ontario is undertaking public consultations about the design of the proposed Ontario Retirement Pension Plan. OCUFA will be submitting a brief and participating in the consultations, and we also encourage faculty associations to participate. Upcoming locations for in-person consultations include Markham, Brampton, Thunder Bay, Ottawa, Etobicoke, Windsor, Woodstock and Stratford. These meetings […]

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The Ontario Ministry of Labour has issued a “no-board” notice for negotiations between the University of St. Michael’s College (USMC) and the University of Toronto Faculty Association. The no-board from the province means that if there is no agreement on a new collective agreement between the parties, a legal lockout or strike affecting faculty and […]

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Professors and academic librarians and archivists at Western University met with Premier Kathleen Wynne on Monday evening, part of the Premier’s tour of Ontario campuses. Faculty leaders welcomed the meeting as an important opportunity to discuss issues facing those who teach and conduct research within the province’s universities. “We had an in-depth discussion about the […]

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The Fall 2014 issue of Academic Matters is now live at . The latest issue of OCUFA’s flagship publication commemorates the 50th anniversary of OCUFA and looks at the future of faculty associations in Ontario and beyond. The issue features articles by Herbert Pimlott on building solidarity with contract faculty ; Trish Hennessey on the staying power of unions ; and Larry Savage and […]

In memoriam: Nelson Heapy

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OCUFA and its member associations are saddened by the recent passing of Nelson Heapy.Nelson was a long-time member of OCUFA’s Board of Directors, and was an active and valued member of the organization. He will be greatly missed. In addition to his work at OCUFA, Nelson was a Professor of Psychology at Huron for 30 […]

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This past weekend, representatives of Ontario’s faculty associations met in Toronto at the OCUFA Board of Directors meeting. The OCUFA Board meets three times a year to discuss emerging issues in Ontario’s higher education sector, and to chart the organization’s direction for the coming months. Highlights of this meeting included a special presentation of the […]

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On October 29th, CUPE 3902 and the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) is hosting a town hall and panel discussion on the breakdown of the traditional model of academic employment and the rise of precarious academic labour. The event will be moderated by Michael Valpy and the panelists include Winnie Ng, Wayne Lewchuk and Ira Basen from CBC Radio. The […]

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On October 24th, OCUFA held the Faculty Associations in the 21st Century: Learning from the past – Shaping the future conference. Held to mark the organization’s 50th anniversary, the conference sought to review the history and explore the future of faculty associations in Ontario and beyond. Speakers included labour scholars, faculty association leaders, and higher education experts. The agenda kicked off with a special presentation on OCUFA’s history, made […]

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Strategic mandate agreements grabbed some headlines this week: The Globe and Mail cites unnamed university administrators to suggest that attempts to reform Ontario’s university sector through the Strategic Mandate Agreements has so far been a slow process . The article features criticism from Harvey Weingarten, President of the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO), that the SMAs lack sufficient incentives […]

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We’re looking for someone to join our public affairs team in the role of Government and Community Relations Officer. Working under the supervision of the Executive Director, the successful candidate will help to promote OCUFA’s advocacy initiatives through: Developing and maintaining contacts in the Ontario government and relevant government agencies, with the opposition parties and […]

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OCUFA is looking for a new Engagement and Campaigns Coordinator. Working under the supervision of the Executive Director, the successful candidate for the Engagement and Campaigns Coordinator position will help to build a strong network of mobilized faculty and faculty association leaders who can work together to improve terms and conditions of employment for faculty […]

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In light of developments at the bargaining table, the University of Guelph Faculty Association (UGFA) is cautiously optimistic that the outstanding issues may be resolved. As such, they have decided to suspend the strike vote planned for Wednesday, July 9th. Should progress not occur, UGFA is ready to reschedule the vote. Part-time faculty at Algoma and Nipissing, […]

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The latest issue of Academic Matters , OCUFA’s flagship publication is now live online. Titled “Rethinking Town and Gown,” the issue highlights the connections that exist between universities and their host communities. We also look at ways of strengthening the relationship between town and gown, in an effort to enrich both worlds. George Fallis considers the question of what, […]

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Reza Moridi , MPP for Richmond Hill, has been appointed Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities in the Cabinet of Premier Kathleen Wynne. Minister Moridi also retains his post of Minister of Research and Innovation. OCUFA looks forward to working with Minister Moridi to build a high quality and accessible higher education system in Ontario. Minister Moridi […]