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From October 24-25, 2015, OCUFA’s Board of Directors met for its first meeting of the 2015-16 academic year. The focus was on setting priorities for the upcoming year and developing strategies for addressing the challenges facing professors and academic librarians in the months ahead. A key objective of the fall Board meeting is to identify […]

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Too often faculty who speak out on matters of public interest and participate in policy debates have found themselves silenced by lawsuits. New provincial legislation is being considered in Ontario to better protect public participation by allowing defendants to seek prompt dismissal of unfounded proceedings against them. On October 1, Sylvain Schetagne of CAUT and […]

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Another summer has passed and faculty are settling back into campus life and gearing up for a busy year at Ontario universities. Many faculty associations hosted back-to-school or Labour Day events this month. Some of these events brought members together to discuss priorities for the year, while others encouraged faculty members to get out in […]

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Last week, the Government of Ontario  released details of the proposed Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) . They also unveiled a new website explaining – in broad strokes –  how the plan will work . OCUFA was active in the consultations around the design of the ORPP, and  made a formal submission to government  on how the plan could benefit contract faculty. While we are working to confirm some key details, we do have some concerns […]

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This spring, the Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) has been working hard with community and labour partners in North Bay to put precarious work on the political agenda. On April 14, NUFA co-hosted a Precarious Labour Forum with the North Bay and District Labour Council that brought together many different unions, worker groups and student groups. Five panelists, […]

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Faculty members have delivered powerful presentations at government consultations this summer about the need for better laws to protect contract workers from unfair treatment and support effective representation for academic workers. University professors and academic librarians from Queen’s University, University of Ottawa, OCADU, Wilfrid Laurier University, University of Windsor, and Western University have made presentations to the consultation panels. […]

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OCUFA is pleased to announce the appointment of its 31st president – Judy Bates, Associate Professor of Geography in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. Bates officially began her two-year term on July 1, 2015. “Universities – and the professors and academic librarians who work within them – are facing […]

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On May 9, 2015, OCUFA held its 146th Board of Directors meeting. For the thirds and final meeting of the 2014-15 academic year, OCUFA representatives turned their attention to the University Funding Formula Review currently underway in Ontario alongside the organization’s ongoing priorities. As a special order-of-the-day, Sue Herbert, executive lead of the funding formula […]

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In anticipation of a government-led review of Ontario’s university funding formula, OCUFA Report is hosting a special series of articles examining the issues around the funding formula. This is part six of six. You can also read parts one , two , three , four and five on OCUFA’s website. Last week, we looked at the strengths and weaknesses of Ontario’s university funding […]

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TORONTO – Professors and academic librarians from across the province will be at Queen’s Park today, talking with MPPs about important issues facing Ontario’s universities. The meetings are part of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association’s annual Advocacy Day. “The work of professors and academic librarians is at the heart of higher education in […]

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On February 7th and 8th, 2015, OCUFA held the 145th meeting of its Board of Directors. At the previous meeting in October, OCUFA approved its priorities for the year: contract faculty and faculty complement; online learning; and university pension plans. The February meeting was all about ensuring that these priorities continue to move forward. On […]

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Last week, OCUFA launched the We Teach Ontario campaign to highlight the important contributions made by contract faculty to Ontario’s universities, often in the face of difficult working conditions. The campaign is based around , and is also running on Facebook and Twitter . After an exciting launch week, we need you help to make the campaign a continued success. […]

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Ontario’s Ministry of Labour has announced consultations on how the Labour Relations Act, 1995 and Employment Standards Act could be amended to “best protect workers while supporting businesses in our changing economy.” One of the key trends to be examined is “the increase in non-standard working relationships such as temporary jobs, part-time work, and self-employment.” As the […]

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Last week, OCUFA participated in consultations with the Associate Minister of Finance and submitted a formal written brief regarding the provincial government’s proposed Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP).  Our presentation and submission focused on the needs and concerns of the growing ranks of contract faculty at Ontario’s universities and the potential for them to benefit immensely from the establishment […]