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On May 6, the OCUFA University Governance Committee held a virtual workshop, entitled “The Erosion of Collegial Governance: Reclaiming Lost Ground.” The workshop was a hands-on, training-focused event aimed at supporting OCUFA member associations and faculty and academic librarian representatives on governing bodies in their advocacy and activism around shared governance. The workshop was introduced […]

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Next week, on February 2 at 7pm, OCUFA will be co-hosting a special webinar on building campuses that are safe for working, learning, and living. The webinar is also being hosted by the OFL, Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario, and CUPE Ontario’s University Workers Coordinating Committee. Panelists will offer different perspectives and renew the call for […]

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Facilitated by social and racial justice advocate Paige Galette, this workshop provides a comprehensive guide for faculty looking to combat anti-Black racism in their classes, their research, their associations, on campus, and beyond. Slides from the presentation can be provided upon request.

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OCUFA’s Equity and Social Justice Committee is inviting all members of OCUFA faculty and academic librarian associations to an important  online workshop on combatting anti-Black racism in higher education . Facilitated by social and racial justice advocate Paige Galette, the workshop will aim to give participants tools to combat anti-Black racism in their roles as faculty, in their associations, on campus, and beyond. Participants […]

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On Friday, November 22, faculty association staff from across Ontario came together for OCUFA’s 2019 Faculty Association Staff Workshop for a day of learning, sharing, and skills-development. The day was energized by robust discussion. Morning highlights included an opening plenary focused on the challenges facing faculty associations under the Ford government and a workshop on […]

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On Friday, November 8, the annual OCUFA University Finance Workshop brought together faculty association members and staff from across Ontario who regularly review university financial statements. The day’s focus was on how the province’s new performance-funding framework could impact university finances. The morning featured a briefing on the latest developments in provincial funding and a […]

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On November 17, faculty association staff from across Ontario gathered in Toronto for a day of networking and skills sharing at the bi-annual OCUFA Faculty Association Staff Workshop. The morning featured panels on membership engagement as well as the challenges and opportunities of working for a member-driven organization. Discussion covered many facets of the day-to-day […]

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On Friday, November 3rd, the annual OCUFA University Finance Workshop brought together faculty association members and staff from across Ontario who regularly review university financial statements. The day’s focus was on understanding and communicating the details of pension and retirement benefits, areas of financial complexity that many faculty members stretch to comprehend. The morning featured […]

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The Canadian Association of University Teachers hosted a conference on achieving fairness for contract academic staff to kickoff Fair Employment Week on October 20 and 21. Participants developed a wide range of strategies and tactics to organize fellow faculty members and confront their administrations about the growing use of contract faculty at Canadian universities and colleges. Faculty associations discussed key ways of addressing […]

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Registration is now open for the OCUFA Status of Women Committee Workshop, designed to academic women build their leadership skills. The event will be held in Toronto on Friday, April 29, 2016. Building on the success of last year’s workshop, Shari Graydon will again be facilitating a small, interactive workshop, this time focusing on the theme of “Increasing your Persuasiveness”. The […]

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OCUFA’s Status of Women Committee is pleased to announce Navigating the Academy: Lessons and Strategies for More Equitable Universities, a practical all-day session, grounded in the real experiences of female academics. The workshop will be held on Friday, May 4, 2012 at the OBA Conference Centre, 20 Toronto Street, Toronto, from 8:45 -4:00 p.m. […]