Blog Posts

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Academic Matters  – OCUFA’s flagship journal of higher education – has added exciting new web content over the past few months.  New exclusives include commentary and analysis of program prioritization, predatory academic publishing, and a problematic new report on faculty workloads. New content includes: The University of Windsor’s Vice-President and Provost Leo Groarke on  why program prioritization is a divisive process that doesn’t work for faculty or administrators . UOIT’s Gary […]

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There are still spaces available for the “Feminist Transformative Leadership in the Academy” workshop, hosted by OCUFA’s Status of Women Committee (SWC). The workshop will be held on May 23 at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto. The workshop will feature a panel of female academic leaders who will facilitate break-out tables of participants over […]

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Do you know an exceptional university teacher or academic librarian? Be sure to nominate them for an OCUFA Teaching or Academic Librarianship Award by May 23, 2014. Since 1973, these awards have recognized individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the quality of Ontario’s universities. All members of an OCUFA-affiliate faculty association are eligible. […]

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The Government of Ontario recently introduced two pieces of legislation that may affect the provinces universities. Bill 151 has the potential to increase government access to university data, while Bill 179 extends ombudsman oversight over universities. Bill 151, the Strengthening and Improving Government Act, was introduced at the end of December. It has had one […]

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There has been a deluge of provincial budget-related news over the past few weeks. With all of the leaks, accusations, and revelations, it is difficult to know exactly what is going. Here at OCUFA, we’re working to separate the signal from the noise. The stakes are high with the upcoming budget, as it is widely […]

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The University of Western Ontario Faculty Association (UWOFA) has  released a piercing critique of Western’s budgeting practices . Titled “Every budget is a choice,” the report highlights how Western’s administration puts the accumulation of assets ahead of funding core activities, such as teaching. “Western is not poor,” said UWOFA president Alison Hearn. “The resources are there to support the university’s core mission of […]

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In Ontario, about half of salaries for sponsored research at universities is paid to “other instruction and research” staff. Little is known about them, but  a survey of research professionals  at Québec universities and affiliated research centres provides some insight. The survey was developed by several interested unions in the province. Of the one thousand-plus respondents, 43 per cent were […]

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OCUFA, alongside our members, continues to explore new pension options for the university sector.  In early February, we invited our member associations to indicate a desire to work with us and other like-minded faculty associations on this project through a newly established group, and to provide the name of an individual committed to providing faculty […]

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New data shows that average class sizes are on the rise at Ontario’s universities, threatening the quality of education received by students. Ontario needs to start hiring more full-time professors to address this problem. Data on average class size in Ontario universities are hard to find. Ever since the Interim Accountability Agreements between universities and […]

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New Statistics Canada research demonstrates that university graduates earn considerably more than their peers without a degree. The new report, An investment of a lifetime? The long-term labour market premiums associated with a postsecondary education , shows that university grads make up to 75 per cent more than those with high school only. The report tracks Census data from 1991 to 2010. Over the 20 year period, male university grads make on average $732,000 more […]

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On Thursday, March 8, 2014, the Premier Kathleen Wynne unveiled a sweeping “Accountability Act” that, among other reforms, will allow the provincial Ombudsperson – currently Andre Marin – to investigate universities. The proposed act also extends Ombudsperson oversight to municipalities and school boards. Other reforms include changes to the lobbyist registry and a new requirement for MPPs and civil servants to […]

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A new report by the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) demonstrates that Ontario’s university graduates enjoy higher earning, have better employment rates, and find employment in their fields . The findings, based on data from Statistics Canada and the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities, was published on February 25, 2014. The report counters recent media criticisms that a university education does not prepare students for the needs of the workforce. It […]

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On February 27th and 28th, OCUFA played host to students, faculty, administrators, and policymakers at the “ Future U: Creating the universities we want ” conference. Over 120 people came together to share ideas on how to build democratic, high quality, and sustainable institutions that reflect the needs of students, faculty, and citizens. Through a series of panel sessions and keynotes, attendees were […]

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A new American study by the Democratic staff of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce illuminates the challenging working conditions of precarious contract faculty in American universities. The report, titled The Just-in-Time Professor, finds that the growing trend of contract work in academia is forcing many highly-skilled individuals to struggle with low pay, poor benefits, job instability, […]