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Ontario’s professors and academic librarians are today looking forward to working with Premier Kathleen Wynne and her government to address Ontario’s higher education challenges. “While Ontario’s colleges and universities were not a focus of the election campaign, they are among our most powerful tools for creating jobs, boosting the economy, and building a fairer society,” […]

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TORONTO – Ontario’s professors and academic librarians are today looking forward to working with Premier Kathleen Wynne and her government to address Ontario’s higher education challenges. “While Ontario’s colleges and universities were not a focus of the election campaign, they are among our most powerful tools for creating jobs, boosting the economy, and building a […]

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Over the weekend, the four major Toronto dailies endorsed their picks in the provincial election campaign. The National Post and the Toronto Sun threw their enthusiastic support behind Tim Hudak’s PC Party. The Toronto Star endorsed Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals, while the editorial board of the Globe and Mail all but threw up their hands in exasperation at the dearth of electoral options, and begrudgingly […]

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The leaders of each of the three major parties had the chance to debate platform issues on Tuesday evening. The topics at the centre of the debate were jobs and the economy as well as financial mismanagement and accountability. The opposition leaders pointed to the gas plants, e-health and ORNGE debacles as evidence of the […]

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READ and SHARE our platform report card. Over the course of the election campaign, OCUFA has analysed the three major parties’ platforms to determine where each party stands on important issues affecting the postsecondary education sector. Our analyses of the Liberal , NDP and PC party platforms examine in detail each party’s position (if they have one) on funding for postsecondary education, faculty hiring, affordability, […]

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The provincial election is just over a week away and there are still plenty of ways to get involved and have an impact before E-Day. Tell the party leaders and your local candidates to make higher education a priority. Use the “Take Action” function on the OCUFA election webpage to send an email to your local candidates […]

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For such a lengthy debate on jobs and the economy, all of the Ontario party leaders missed a huge driver of growth for both fields: postsecondary education. The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is disappointed that postsecondary education wasn’t given any time in tonight’s debate despite the sector’s huge economic impact. “I’m absolutely baffled […]

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Tonight, the leaders of the three major parties will square off in the first – and only – televised debate of the 2014 Ontario Election campaign (6:30 p.m. on CBC). Kathleen Wynne, Tim Hudak, and Andrea Horwath will lay out their respective visions for the province. The media analysts will likely focus on who gives […]

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As part of our ongoing election activities, OCUFA has met with experts on issues important to faculty to talk about how these issues will figure into the 2014 provincial election. Videos of these conversations are available under the “Resources” tab of our election webpage . Professor Glen Jones, Ontario Research Chair in Post-secondary Education Policy and Measurement at the […]

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This election campaign, the focus of the three major parties has been on jobs and the economy. Somewhat disappointingly, the role of higher education as an important economic contributor has not been acknowledged, and the issues and challenges facing our universities have not received adequate attention from any of the parties in their platforms. Nonetheless, […]

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As part of our ongoing election activities, OCUFA has met with experts on issues important to faculty to talk about how they will figure into the 2014 provincial election. Videos of these conversations are available under the “Resources” tab of our election webpage . Professor Larry Savage, Director of the Centre for Labour Studies at Brock University, weighed […]

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OCUFA launched its  election website  last week with the goal of educating and empowering Ontario voters and highlighting the importance of higher education in the election campaign, while also providing resources to help professors and academic librarians get involved in the election, better understand the issues and platforms, educate others, and vote wisely at the ballot box. Website features: […]

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The grades are in: Wynne, Hudak, and Horwath all receive failing marks when it comes to postsecondary issues in Ontario. All parties have failed to respond adequately to PSE in their platforms according to the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA).   The Liberal’s plan seems to be one of benign neglect, the NDP’s […]