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This week, news broke that the Ontario Labour Relations Board will investigate the McMaster administration’s conduct during its negotiations with cleaning staff. The administration threatened to outsource the jobs of the cleaning staff if they did not approve the final offer, prompting the investigation. The cleaning staff in question are the lowest paid staff at […]

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Today, the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) released the Strategic Mandate Agreements (SMAs) signed with every Ontario college and university . Each SMA covers a three-year period, expiring in 2017. The agreements are intended to determine a university’s key priorities, and to align these priorities with the government’s Differentiation Policy Framework. It is expected that the SMAs will have an impact on new program approvals. It […]

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The latest data from the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) indicates that Ontario’s per-student provincial operating funding for 2012-13 was 35 per cent less than the average in the rest of Canada. When it comes to funding levels, we are the undisputed kings of the basement. After the deep cuts imposed by Mike […]

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The Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA) has set August 14, 2014 date to seek strike authorization from its members. This move came in response to the unilateral imposition of terms and conditions by the Windsor administration, an unprecedented action for an Ontario university. The imposition of terms comes after weeks of aggressive and provocative tactics […]

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After weeks of aggressive tactics, the administration of the University of Windsor unilaterally imposed terms and conditions of employment on July 28, 2014. The administration had previously moved to impose terms on July 7th , but backed down in the face of opposition from the Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA) and faculty associations across Canada. Imposing terms and conditions of work on this scale is unprecedented […]

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On Monday, July 14, the Liberal government introduced a new budget identical to the one that sparked the recent election. And with a majority in the legislature, this budget is certain to pass. So what does it mean for higher education in Ontario? In short, small funding increases in some areas, but a continued slide […]

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In light of developments at the bargaining table, the University of Guelph Faculty Association (UGFA) is cautiously optimistic that the outstanding issues may be resolved. As such, they have decided to suspend the strike vote planned for Wednesday, July 9th. Should progress not occur, UGFA is ready to reschedule the vote. Part-time faculty at Algoma and Nipissing, […]

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Administrators at the University of Windsor have taken a heavy-handed, provocative approach to negotiations with the Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA). As well as damaging its relationship with professors and academic librarians, the admin’s actions are a dangerous distraction from the important work of negotiating a fair agreement. As previously reported in OCUFA Report, the […]

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On June 23, 2014, The Agenda hosted a discussion on “hidden academics,” looking at the rise of precarious work within Ontario’s universities. The participants provided an insightful look into the challenges faced by precarious faculty, and into the potential implications of precarious faculty work for the university sector. OCUFA believes that all academic jobs should […]

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On May 9, 2014, OCUFA held a special lunch ceremony to recognize winners of its 2014 Service Awards. This award was created to honour individuals who have done, or continue to do, exceptional work on behalf of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations and its members. This year’s winners are: Katherine Creber, Royal Military […]

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Faculty at Trent University have reached a tentative settlement with their employer. Details of the agreement are still confidential pending a ratification vote. On June 5, 2014, Contract Academic Staff at St. Jerome’s ratified a new agreement alongside the Board of Governors. The new agreement runs until April 2018. A primary goal of the St. […]

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The election of a majority Liberal government in the June 12, 2014 Ontario election has a number of important implications for professors and academic librarians in the province. During the election, OCUFA analyzed the higher education platforms of the Liberal Party as well as those of the other main parties , posted the response of the parties to the OCUFA party questionnaire , and […]