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In her annual report, Ontario’s Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk has recommended that the government develop a strategy to address barriers to the commercialization of research at the province’s universities. The report, released on December 2, 2015, points out that the Ministry of Research and Innovation does not track total investments in research across ministries and […]

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Registration is almost full for OCUFA’s upcoming “ Confronting Precarious Academic Work ” conference to be held February 11-12, 2016 in Toronto. Individuals interested in attending should register now to ensure they have a spot at this important gathering. The growing number of university faculty hired on a contract basis – and the insecure working conditions they face – […]

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OCUFA is pleased to announce an exciting roster of speakers for its upcoming Confronting precarious academic work conference , to be held from February 11-12, 2016. Experts from across Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia will meet to discuss the rise of precarious academic work and effective strategies for promoting good academic jobs. Speakers include: Karen Foster, […]

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Students and faculty are mobilizing to push back against proposals that will severely limit the openness and transparency of Carleton University’s Board of Governors . Following on the Board’s controversial move to bar community members from attending Board meetings, the new policies will prevent Board members from disseminating information about Board proceedings and will ban union office holders from sitting on the Board. In response, six campus organizations have issued a series of recommendations to […]

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The Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) is pleased to announce that the tentative agreement reached between the Full-Time Academic Bargaining Unit (FASBU) and the Employer on November 26, 2015, has been ratified by the bargaining unit with 93 per cent voting in favour of the deal. “From the outset we knew that this was going […]

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Last week, OCUFA staff members Graeme Stewart and Brynne Sinclair-Waters wrote an article for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Ontario (CCPA-ON) on the need for more full-time faculty in Ontario’s universities. The piece is part of the CCPA-ON’s ongoing series on the provincial budget. Stewart and Sinclair-Waters argue that hiring of full-time faculty has lagged well behind increases in enrolment, with serious implications for […]

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Librarian and Archivist members of the University of Western Ontario (UWOFA) have ratified their new collective agreement with the employer. UWOFA released the following statement following statement regarding the ratification vote: Unionized librarians and archivists at Western University have ratified a tentative collective agreement reached with the university administration. Members in the academic librarians and […]

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A tentative agreement has been reached between Nipissing University and the Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA). The faculty association published the following statement on their website : We are pleased to announce that representatives of the Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) and the University administration have reached a tentative agreement that will allow students to return […]

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Last week, Western University’s Governance Review Task Force released the its final report . The task force is calling for more transparent and engaged Board governance at the university, in the wake of President Amit Chakma’s double payout scandal . As the report states, “This has been a very difficult year for Western. The issue of the President’s compensation and the move for […]

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Only 12 days are left to take advantage a special early bird pricing for the “Confronting academic work” conference, to be February 11-12, 2015 in Toronto. This conference is an opportunity to critically engage with the rise of precarious academic work, while developing solutions to ensure good academic jobs in our universities. The growing number […]

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Full-time faculty at Nipissing are continuing their strike for fair pay, improved governance processes, and protections for faculty complement at the university. The Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) has received overwhelming support from their colleagues across Canada and from their local community. Representatives from many faculty associations and local unions have joined NUFA members on the pocket line. A […]

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The University of Western Ontario Faculty Association is pleased to announce that your negotiating team and the university administration have reached a tentative collective agreement for librarians and archivists. The tentative deal was reached on Friday, November 6th after two days of conciliation with Greg Long, a Ministry of Labour appointed conciliator. “I want to […]

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On November 4th and 5th, 2015, OCUFA President Judy Bates and Executive Director Mark Rosenfeld were in North Bay to show solidarity with striking full-time faculty at Nipissing University. She met with members of the Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) and spoke briefly to professors walking the picket line. Here is a transcript of her […]

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Full-time faculty at Nipissing University have gone on strike after they were unable to reach a fair and equitable settlement with the university administration. OCUFA and all of its member faculty associations stand in solidarity with the members of the Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) who are on the picket lines fighting for quality education through faculty complement, a real […]