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On April 11, 2016, the Carleton University Academic Staff Association (CUASA) passed a motion of non-confidence in Carleton’s Board of Governors. The CUASA motion was joined by similar votes by grad students and administrative staff, and follows attempts by the Board to stifle discussion and criticism through restrictive new bylaws and attacks on critical members. […]

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On April 13, 2016, OCUFA was very pleased to co-host the second annual Worldviews Lecture with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. This year’s lecture featured Rajani Naidoo, Chair in Higher Education Management and Director International Centre for Higher Education Management at the University of Bath. Professor Naidoo […]

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A new study published in the Journal of Education Finance suggests that public two- and four-year higher education institutions might be reducing enrolment of low-income students due to punishment-based funding (PBF) regimes , where money is tied to specific performance indicators. This paper joins the growing body of research that demonstrates the ineffectiveness of PBF in improving student outcomes. Using data on all public American institutions in the […]

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On March 22, 2016, the members of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty Association (UOITFA) ratified their new collective agreement with the employer. Here is the UOITFA statement on the deal. Last week on the final scheduled day of mediation prior to the UOITFA strike deadline, the UOITFA and UOIT reached a tentative […]

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Registration is now open for the OCUFA Status of Women Committee Workshop, designed to academic women build their leadership skills. The event will be held in Toronto on Friday, April 29, 2016. Building on the success of last year’s workshop, Shari Graydon will again be facilitating a small, interactive workshop, this time focusing on the theme of “Increasing your Persuasiveness”. The […]

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Only a few spaces are left for the annual Worldviews Lecture on Media and Higher Education , featuring Rajani Naidoo, Chair in Higher Education Management and Director of the International Centre for Higher Education Management at the University of Bath. Professor Naidoo will deliver a lecture titled, “Beyond the Competition Fetish: Higher Education for Global Wellbeing.” Prof. Naidoo contends that universities everywhere have a competition fetish. There is […]

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The 2016 Federal Budget was released on March 22, 2016. It contains significant new funding for Canada’s research councils and university research generally. University revenues are most affected by provincial investments and policies, but this federal budget is largely good news for Ontario institutions. Like its Ontario counterpart released earlier this year, the Trudeau government’s […]

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On Thursday, March 17, 2016, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty Association (UOITFA) reached a tentative agreement with the employer . The university administration and UOITFA released this joint statement: “The University and the UOIT Faculty Association are pleased to advise that they have reached a tentative agreement. Details of the agreement will remain confidential until both parties have conducted […]

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OCUFA’s Status of Women Committee is pleased to announce its latest Workshop, intended to build the leadership skills of academic women. The event will be held in Toronto on Friday, April 29, 2016. Building on the success of last year’s workshop, Shari Graydon will again be facilitating a small, interactive workshop, this time focusing on […]

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On February 25, 2016, the York University Faculty Association (YUFA) ratified a new collective collective agreement with their employer. The three-year deal contains important enhancements to equity, particularly for transgender and Aboriginal faculty members. The deal establishes a new Transgender Health Fund, worth $30,000 a year. This provision provides support to transgender faculty members by […]

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Registration is now open for the annual Worldviews Lecture on Media and Higher Education, featuring Rajani Naidoo, Chair in Higher Education Management and Director of the International Centre for Higher Education Management at the University of Bath. Professor Naidoo will deliver a lecture titled, “Beyond the Competition Fetish: Higher Education for Global Wellbeing.” Universities everywhere have a […]

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Presentation slides and complete audio recordings of every session from OCUFA’s “Challenging precarious academic work” conference are now available online . People who missed out on the conference the first time around can access and download the complete conference proceedings. The conference was a unique meeting of activists, researchers, and policymakers all interested in ending precarious work in our […]

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The new up-front grant program for Ontario students is grabbing headlines, but what else does the 2016 Ontario Budget do for universities? When it comes to operating funding, the picture continues to darken. Just as it has for the past four years, the level of operating grants to universities will barely change. And in the […]