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Background Since 2012, following amendments to the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, compensation for executives at broader public sector institutions have been “frozen”. In September 2016, the new Executive Compensation Framework Regulation came into effect, lifting the freeze. The Framework allows broader public sector institutions to increase compensation for executives, but puts in place requirements […]

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Following months of bargaining, the Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty association has reached a tentative agreement with contract faculty at the university. The terms of the agreement are currently being put to a ratification vote. The deal comes after months of bargaining, and a strike vote in which contract faculty voted 95% in favour of walking […]

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On Monday, January 9, OCUFA president Judy Bates presented the priorities and concerns of Ontario’s university faculty to representatives of the Ministry of Finance as part of the Ontario government’s pre-budget consultations. Bates highlighted the need to ensure that Ontario’s universities provide a high quality learning experience adequately resourced through robust public financial support. Currently, […]

Your opinion matters

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OCUFA’s journal of higher education, Academic Matters, is now entering its 11th year of publication and has changed significantly over this period. The views of our readers are important in guiding the future development of the magazine and website. With that in mind, we created a survey to get a better idea of how our […]

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Faculty at Nipissing University welcomed the release of a report on improving collegial governance at their institution on November 3. The report was prepared by a Special Governance Commission that was established as part of the deal that ended the Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) strike a year ago in November 2015. The erosion of […]

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Yesterday YUFA published the  results of a poll  that overwhelmingly demonstrate the serious concerns among our members about the conduct and direction of the current presidential search at York University. Today we are sharing those results, including hundreds of comments, with the presidential search committee and the Board of Governors. These responses help illuminate the poll data, and show […]

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On October 29 in Toronto, OCUFA held its first Board meeting of the 2016-17 academic year. Attended by OCUFA Directors and Faculty Association Presidents, the meeting was an opportunity to confirm the organization’s priorities for the upcoming year, hear from the Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development, and expand the mandate of OCUFA’s Status […]

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Laurier contract faculty vote yes to strong strike mandate With 95 per cent support from contract faculty in a recent strike vote, the Wilfrid Laurier Faculty Association (WLUFA) has a strong mandate to strike if a deal is not reached. Pressure is mounting in bargaining to address three key issues: job security, access to benefits […]

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In February of 2015, NDP MPP Peggy Sattler introduced a private member’s bill that would increase student access to work-integrated learning opportunities – particularly paid opportunities – and would provide for increased regulation and oversight of unpaid internships. This past October, the bill accomplished a rare feat for private members’ legislation – it made it to the next […]

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Below is a letter from OCUFA to the Canadian Federation of Students National Chairperson , providing support for the National Day of Action on November 2, 2016 :  Dear Bilan Arte, On behalf of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) and the 17,000 university professors and academic librarians we represent at 28 member associations across the province of Ontario, I am writing to express support for the Canadian Federation of Students’ National […]

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TORONTO – University professors are calling for fairness for contract faculty across Ontario this week. Public events and outreach activities will aim to educate students and community members about working conditions for the growing number of professors working on contract who face job insecurity, unpredictable scheduling, unfair wages, and lack access to benefits. “We’re going […]

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LONDON – An agreement ratified on October 12 at Brescia University College represents great strides by Canada’s only women’s university towards closing the gender wage gap for professors in Ontario. The deal reached between the Brescia Faculty Association and Brescia University College will bring pay for professors at Brescia – the majority of whom are […]

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The Brescia Faculty Association (BFA) has reached a tentative agreement with their employer. The following statement was posted on the BFA website The Brescia Faculty Association reached a tentative agreement with the Employer on September 28, 2016 after a day and a half of Conciliation.  The BFA began negotiating to renew our first collective agreement in late […]