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The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is alarmed at the detrimental impact the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) process is having on Indigenous studies, faculty, students, and the community in the Greater Sudbury area. As part of the CCAA process, the Indigenous Studies Department, its programs, and its faculty have been terminated. For […]

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TORONTO, April 28, 2021 – On April 20th, Ontario faculty, students, and community members took part in a virtual action demanding the resignation of Minister of Colleges and Universities, Ross Romano. Minister Romano has refused to engage with OCUFA or to comment publicly on the situation at Laurentian University. In the absence of being able […]

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The mediation phase of the proceeding with the Laurentian University Faculty Association and Senate has ended. As a result, 110 Laurentian faculty members lost their jobs and 69 programs were cut at the institution (please refer to the end of the email for the list of programs). The next few weeks will determine whether the […]

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TORONTO, April 16, 2021 — Only days after watching Laurentian University collapse without raising a finger, Minister of Colleges and Universities Ross Romano is now steamrolling ahead with additional detrimental changes to Ontario’s university system. With no warning or consultation, Romano announced that the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) would no longer be able […]

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TORONTO, April 14, 2021 — Today, OCUFA President Rahul Sapra and LUFA President Fabrice Colin called for the resignations of Laurentian University President Robert Haché, Vice-President Academic and Provost Marie-Josée Berger, Vice-President Administration Lorella Hayes, Board Chair Claude Lacroix, Registrar Serge Demers, and Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities Ross Romano for their roles in […]

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On February 20, OCUFA held its second Board of Directors Meeting of the 2020-21 academic year. The virtual meeting focused on the challenges facing the Laurentian University Faculty Association (LUFA) following Laurentian University’s surprise filing of court protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), due to financial challenges it is facing as a result […]

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Political action The Save Our Sudbury community group of faculty, students, labour unions, and community members held a hugely successful car rally. Over 100 participants came together in spite of rain and snow to demand the province provide funding. You can watch pre-recorded speeches from students, faculty, politicians, and union leaders speaking about why Laurentian […]

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TORONTO, April 6, 2021—Today, the Laurentian University Senate was asked to vote on a restructuring package that included program terminations and also faculty and departmental reorganizations. The Senators received the notice for the meeting on Thursday, April 1, right before the Easter long weekend, and did not receive the package of materials until the meeting was convened today. The meeting […]

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TORONTO, Mar 31, 2021—A new poll conducted by EKOS Research Associates for the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations shows that a clear majority of Ontarians believe that Minister of Colleges and Universities Ross Romano and the Ford government should provide additional funding to Laurentian University and any other universities that face financial difficulties. According […]

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In late February, faculty from across Ontario held virtual meetings with elected Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) to urge the Ontario government to step-up and provide Laurentian University with the strong, stable, and long-term funding it needs. Faculty across Ontario are deeply concerned about the precedent and far-reaching implications Laurentian’s funding crisis could have for […]

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Political action OCUFA has been busy coordinating political action in support of the Laurentian University Faculty Association (LUFA) and increased funding for the university sector as a whole.  OCUFA members from across Northern Ontario have been attending Save Our Sudbury (SOS) meetings to plan upcoming actions to amplify the SOS Car Rally this Sunday . Our allies have also been […]

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This Saturday, March 27 the OFL will be hosting the first ever Education Assembly to unite workers, students, and parents from child care through postsecondary education. COVID-19 has made navigating education systems more difficult than ever. This Saturday’s discussion will focus on developing education systems that keep everyone healthy and safe. OFL Education Assembly Saturday, […]

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TORONTO, March, 24, 2021—Ontario’s university faculty and academic librarians are disappointed that the 2021 Ontario Budget fails to adequately invest in Ontario’s universities to put them on secure financial footing. University faculty and academic librarians have played an essential role developing the science and research that continues to inform Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. […]