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Laurentian University insolvency reflects a structural crisis in Ontario’s neoliberal university system By David Leadbeater “On February 1 the Laurentian University president and board got what they wanted from Ontario Chief Justice Geoffrey Morawetz: “This Court orders and declares that the Applicant [Laurentian] is insolvent and is a company to which the CCAA applies.” The CCAA—Companies’ Creditors Arrangement…” When the Government comes for you, you better have academic freedom By Marc Spooner, University of Regina “Every so often, […]

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Congratulations to the Brescia Faculty Association (BFA) for ratifying a new collective agreement. The BFA made a number of notable gains in the areas of faculty hiring, workload, contract faculty security, and professional expense reimbursements. New language will place a greater emphasis on internal hiring, making it easier for contract faculty or faculty in limited […]

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The Ontario Universities and Colleges Coalition (OUCC), of which OCUFA is a member, has put out a statement strongly opposing the new provincial election spending rules outlined and enforced by Bill 307, Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act. With the use of the Notwithstanding Clause, the government has imposed Bill 307 despite a court decision […]

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OCUFA President Sue Wurtele has written to Ontario’s Minister of Colleges and Universities and Minister of Labour to express concern with the government’s plan for universities to fully reopen this fall. The plan was developed without consulting sector stakeholders, including faculty. As a result, it does not address some of the main concerns of those […]

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TORONTO, July 21, 2021 — The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is pleased to announce the appointment of its 34th president, Sue Wurtele. An Associate Professor of Geography at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Wurtele officially began her two-year term on July 1, 2021. “OCUFA plays a vital role advocating for high-quality public […]

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Following a major cabinet shuffle in Ontario on June 18, Jill Dunlop was appointed the new Minister of Colleges and Universities. Minister Dunlop is a first-term Progressive Conservative MPP for Simcoe North. She previously held the position of Associate Minister of Children and Women’s Issues. Dunlop replaces Ross Romano, previous Minister of Colleges and Universities, […]

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The concept of micro-credentials has gained increasing popularity in postsecondary education recently. These short-term, highly targeted certificate courses focus on developing specific skills or knowledge. However, there has been a lot of confusion about micro-credentials, how they should be recognized, and how they fit into Ontario’s postsecondary education system. In response, OCUFA has developed a comprehensive briefing note that explains what micro-credentials […]

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Now is the time to remind MPs we need to take action to prevent more crises like the collapse of Laurentian University. We have just a few days before MPs break for the summer and head into a potential fall election. Send a letter to your MP. Ask them to amend the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act to exclude publicly funded institutions […]

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The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) has released a toolkit to support organizing for publicly funded, universal postsecondary education in Ontario. Developed through open public discussions at the OFL’s Education Assembly, the toolkit lays out the rationale for a postsecondary education system free of tuition fees, student debt, and institutional deficits. The OFL shows how this […]

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On May 28, OCUFA held its final Board of Directors Meeting of the 2020-21 academic year. The virtual meeting focused on continuing developments at Laurentian University, university reopening plans for fall 2021, and saw the election of a new OCUFA Executive for 2021-22. Financial crisis at Laurentian University The collapse of Laurentian University under the […]

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On June 3, Bill 276, Supporting Recovering and Competitiveness Act, an omnibus bill that included two schedules regarding the independence of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and Université de Hearst received royal ascent. With the legislation now in effect, NOSM and Université de Hearst have become independent, degree granting universities. From its inception, […]

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TORONTO, June 9, 2021 — Ontario’s university faculty and academic librarians were deeply disturbed to learn of the recent attack and murder of a Muslim family in London, Ontario—Madiha Salman, Salman Afzaal, their daughter Yumna Afzaal, and Salman’s mother. Madiha and Salman’s son Fayez remains in hospital, recovering. The family was targeted because of their […]

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On April 29, the Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association sent a letter to the Laurentian University Board of Governors calling for the termination of President and Vice-Chancellor Robert Haché, as well as his senior administrative team. The letter also calls for the rebuilding of the university’s Board. On May 5, members of the University of Ontario […]

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Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) is continuing its survey of workers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey uses scientifically recognized questions that measure different aspects of job-related psychosocial conditions, along with symptoms related to intense stressful conditions and mood disorders. OHCOW’s survey gives voice to the thousands of workers trying to get […]