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TORONTO, Oct, 21, 2021 – Mairi Cowan, an Associate Professor in the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga, has been named one of Ontario’s most outstanding university teachers by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). She is receiving a 2020-2021 OCUFA Teaching Award for her outstanding contributions to the […]

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TORONTO, Oct, 21, 2021 – Rosa da Silva, an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at McMaster University, has been named one of Ontario’s most outstanding university teachers by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). She is receiving a 2020-2021 OCUFA Teaching Award for her outstanding contributions to the quality of higher […]

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TORONTO, Oct, 21, 2021 – Dragana Obradović, an Associate Professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Toronto, has been named one of Ontario’s most outstanding university teachers by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). She is receiving a 2020-2021 OCUFA Teaching Award for her outstanding contributions to […]

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TORONTO, Oct, 21, 2021 – Kathryn Plaisance, an Associate Professor in the Department of Knowledge Integration at the University of Waterloo, has been named one of Ontario’s most outstanding university teachers by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). She is receiving a 2020-2021 OCUFA Teaching Award for her outstanding contributions to the quality […]

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TORONTO, Oct, 21, 2021 – Micah Stickel, a Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, has been named one of Ontario’s most outstanding university teachers by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). He is receiving a 2020-2021 OCUFA Teaching Award for his outstanding contributions to the […]

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The University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty Association (UOITFA), which represents full-time faculty at Ontario Tech University, recently completed a successful Social Media Day of Action in support of bargaining to urge the Ontario Tech administration to take action on workload, mental health, pay equity, and pension issues identified as priorities by faculty working […]

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On October 15 and 16, join workers from across the province for a virtual conference about how labour is confronting the climate crisis. Discussion will focus on what’s at stake, what the science says, and where pensions fit in. WHEN: Friday, October 15 @ 7PM EST and Saturday, October 16 @ 10AM EST WHERE: Sign […]

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Earlier this week, The Toronto Star published a contribution from OCUFA President Sue Wurtele that highlights the need for the next federal government to pass changes to federal insolvency and bankruptcy legislation to exempt public institutions, including universities. Read “Laurentian University’s collapse shows federal government must protect public institutions from private-sector restructuring.”

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Ontario faculty associations are sending letters to federal candidates running in their regions and asking those seeking a seat in Parliament to exempt public institutions from private-sector restructuring under the federal Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA). It was under the CCAA that, earlier this year, Laurentian University acted […]

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TORONTO, September 9, 2021 — OCUFA welcomes the Federal New Democratic Party’s commitment to reform the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) so that public postsecondary education institutions are not subject to restructuring under federal legislation. The commitment, on page 13 of the Federal NDP’s A Better Future for Northern Ontario, states that, if elected, the […]

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TORONTO, September 2, 2021 — OCUFA is pleased to see the Federal Liberal Party’s commitment to exempting public postsecondary education institutions from being subject to restructuring under federal legislation. The commitment, on page 31 of the Liberal platform, states that, if elected, the Liberals would, “Protect public post-secondary educational institutions, such as Laurentian University, from […]

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We are proud to announce the first article published as a result of the OCUFA Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism. The Fellowship is designed to support those wishing to pursue in-depth investigative reporting on higher education in Canada. With the backing of the Fellowship, respected journalist Nicholas Hune-Brown spent two years investigating the troubling world […]

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TORONTO, August 17, 2021 — Ontario university faculty and academic librarians welcome the announcement from the provincial government that will require vaccination policies for high-risk settings, including postsecondary education institutions. OCUFA had previously called on the government to implement a required vaccination policy for universities as part of a safe return to campus strategy, along […]