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OCUFA has set out its priorities for the 2020 Ontario Budget in a written submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. OCUFA’s 2020 budget recommendations aim to preserve the accessibility and quality of postsecondary education in Ontario through stable, consistent, and adequate funding, as well as improved working conditions for university faculty. […]

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Toronto, Jan. 13, 2020 – The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) has voted to join ten unions representing more than 250,000 Ontario workers to launch a coordinated Charter challenge against the Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act – formerly Bill 124. This Ford government legislation unduly interferes with the rights […]

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OSSTF, the union representing teachers and support staff at Ontario’s high school, has announced a one-day strike/walk-out on Wednesday, December 4 . OSSTF has spent much of the last year pushing back against the Ford government’s demands for increased class sizes and mandatory e-learning credits. If you have some time, please join a local picket line and show solidarity with Ontario’s […]

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Toronto, Nov. 22, 2019 – Ontario faculty are pleased to see that the Ontario Divisional Court has struck down the Ford government’s controversial “Student Choice Initiative” (SCI), finding the directive both unlawful and a violation of university autonomy. The Court found that Ford’s Cabinet and the then Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities overstepped their […]

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On November 6, faculty from across the province gathered at Queen’s Park to advocate for stronger public funding for postsecondary education, fairness for contract faculty, faculty renewal, and against Bill 124. The annual OCUFA Advocacy Day provided an opportunity for faculty to meet with their local Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP) and brief them about […]

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Ontario’s university faculty and academic librarians stand in solidarity with the 55,000 Ontario elementary and high school education workers as they prepare for legal strike action on Monday, October 7th. Members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), these workers provide essential services that support the education of our children and maintain a clean […]

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On Wednesday, September 18, OCUFA President Rahul Sapra wrote to Ontario Attorney General Doug Downey to urge him to reverse the cuts to Legal Aid Ontario and to commit to protecting legal aid funding moving forward. Legal Aid Ontario provides essential services for the most vulnerable in our province, such as injured workers, survivors of […]

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OCUFA cautiously welcomes news that the provincial and federal governments have reached a memorandum of understanding in which they both recognize the importance of meeting the postsecondary needs of Ontario’s growing Francophone population. In the 2018 Ontario election, Doug Ford promised to move forward with the Université de l’Ontario français – a project set into […]

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Announced in the Ontario Budget , the Ford government’s reckless new market-based approach to funding postsecondary education will fundamentally compromise the integrity of Ontario’s higher education system. This alarming shift in education funding will create greater inequity, hurt students, and threaten the quality of education in our province. The proposed market-based performance funding model will […]

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In April 2019, as part of its first budget, the Ontario government introduced an alarming change to the funding model of public universities and colleges in the province. By 2024-25, this new approach will tie 60 per cent (over $3 billion dollars) of funding for postsecondary institutions to “outcomes” or “performance” measures. Institutions’ so-called “performance” […]

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Announced in the Ontario Budget , the Ford government’s reckless new market-based approach to funding postsecondary education will fundamentally compromise the integrity of Ontario’s higher education system. This alarming shift in education funding will create greater inequity, hurt students, and threaten the quality of education in our province. The proposed market-based performance funding model will […]

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Toronto, Sep. 4, 2019 – Ontario faculty are warning that the Ford government’s so called “performance” funding model for postsecondary education is reckless, ineffective, and dangerous. The new funding model will link 60 per cent of government funding for universities ($2.2 billion dollars) to an arbitrary set of metrics chosen with no consultation. These metrics […]