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Ontario faculty associations are sending letters to federal candidates running in their regions and asking those seeking a seat in Parliament to exempt public institutions from private-sector restructuring under the federal Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA). It was under the CCAA that, earlier this year, Laurentian University acted […]

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TORONTO, September 9, 2021 — OCUFA welcomes the Federal New Democratic Party’s commitment to reform the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) so that public postsecondary education institutions are not subject to restructuring under federal legislation. The commitment, on page 13 of the Federal NDP’s A Better Future for Northern Ontario, states that, if elected, the […]

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TORONTO, September 2, 2021 — OCUFA is pleased to see the Federal Liberal Party’s commitment to exempting public postsecondary education institutions from being subject to restructuring under federal legislation. The commitment, on page 31 of the Liberal platform, states that, if elected, the Liberals would, “Protect public post-secondary educational institutions, such as Laurentian University, from […]

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TORONTO, August 17, 2021 — Ontario university faculty and academic librarians welcome the announcement from the provincial government that will require vaccination policies for high-risk settings, including postsecondary education institutions. OCUFA had previously called on the government to implement a required vaccination policy for universities as part of a safe return to campus strategy, along […]

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Laurentian University insolvency reflects a structural crisis in Ontario’s neoliberal university system By David Leadbeater “On February 1 the Laurentian University president and board got what they wanted from Ontario Chief Justice Geoffrey Morawetz: “This Court orders and declares that the Applicant [Laurentian] is insolvent and is a company to which the CCAA applies.” The CCAA—Companies’ Creditors Arrangement…” When the Government comes for you, you better have academic freedom By Marc Spooner, University of Regina “Every so often, […]

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The Ontario Universities and Colleges Coalition (OUCC), of which OCUFA is a member, has put out a statement strongly opposing the new provincial election spending rules outlined and enforced by Bill 307, Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act. With the use of the Notwithstanding Clause, the government has imposed Bill 307 despite a court decision […]

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OCUFA President Sue Wurtele has written to Ontario’s Minister of Colleges and Universities and Minister of Labour to express concern with the government’s plan for universities to fully reopen this fall. The plan was developed without consulting sector stakeholders, including faculty. As a result, it does not address some of the main concerns of those […]

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Following a major cabinet shuffle in Ontario on June 18, Jill Dunlop was appointed the new Minister of Colleges and Universities. Minister Dunlop is a first-term Progressive Conservative MPP for Simcoe North. She previously held the position of Associate Minister of Children and Women’s Issues. Dunlop replaces Ross Romano, previous Minister of Colleges and Universities, […]

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On May 28, OCUFA held its final Board of Directors Meeting of the 2020-21 academic year. The virtual meeting focused on continuing developments at Laurentian University, university reopening plans for fall 2021, and saw the election of a new OCUFA Executive for 2021-22. Financial crisis at Laurentian University The collapse of Laurentian University under the […]

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On June 3, Bill 276, Supporting Recovering and Competitiveness Act, an omnibus bill that included two schedules regarding the independence of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and Université de Hearst received royal ascent. With the legislation now in effect, NOSM and Université de Hearst have become independent, degree granting universities. From its inception, […]

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On April 29, the Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association sent a letter to the Laurentian University Board of Governors calling for the termination of President and Vice-Chancellor Robert Haché, as well as his senior administrative team. The letter also calls for the rebuilding of the university’s Board. On May 5, members of the University of Ontario […]

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TORONTO, May 26, 2021 — The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is pleased that Minister of Colleges and Universities Ross Romano has accepted the recommendation of Ontario’s Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB) and, as a result, will deny university status to the Canada Christian College (CCC). After conducting an in-depth review of […]