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On March 23 and 24, the Fight for $15 & Fairness Provincial Strategy Meeting will be held in Toronto. This event will bring together over two hundred supporters of the $15 & Fairness campaign from across the province to assess the campaign’s work to-date and collectively determine next steps. This year, the agenda will include […]

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OCUFA is proud to celebrate outstanding achievement in teaching and academic librarianship at Ontario universities. Anyone within the university community can nominate a faculty member or librarian. Award recipients are selected by an independent OCUFA committee made up of faculty, librarians, and student representatives. The deadline for nominations for the 2017-2018 awards is May 25, […]

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On Thursday, April 5, 2018, the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations and the Centre for the Study of Canadian and International Higher Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto will be hosting the fourth annual Worldviews Lecture on Media and Higher Education. Free speech on campus: Challenges for minority […]

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On Saturday, February 3 and Sunday, February 4, OCUFA held its second Board of Directors meeting of the 2017-18 academic year. Over the weekend, board members discussed the organization’s current priorities – good jobs and vibrant universities, university funding, and capacity building – with a focus on the postsecondary issues that will be receiving the […]

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On Friday, November 3rd, the annual OCUFA University Finance Workshop brought together faculty association members and staff from across Ontario who regularly review university financial statements. The day’s focus was on understanding and communicating the details of pension and retirement benefits, areas of financial complexity that many faculty members stretch to comprehend. The morning featured […]

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On Saturday, October 21 and Sunday, October 22, OCUFA held its first Board of Directors meeting of the 2017-18 academic year, and the first with Gyllian Phillips as OCUFA President . The weekend oriented new board members to OCUFA and allowed members to discuss developments in Ontario postsecondary education system and the organization’s revised priorities for the academic year: Good jobs/vibrant universities, university […]

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Toronto – Across Ontario, university professors are taking action to educate campus community members about the growing numbers of contract faculty at Ontario universities. A national campaign organized by the Canadian Association of University Teachers, Fair Employment Week builds awareness and promotes fairness for contract faculty. “Most students are unaware if their professor is on […]

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Worldviews Lecture tackles populist challenge for universities On April 5, Professor Sir Peter Scott, a Professor of Higher Education Studies at the UCL Institute of Education, delivered the third annual Worldviews Lecture on Media and Education with a focus on the populist challenge for universities. In a live video broadcast to an audience in the […]

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On Thursday, March 16, members of the Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA) gathered at Windsor’s historic Walkerville Brewery to enjoy a night of great music, refreshing drinks, and engaging conversation. The evening brought together tenured and contract faculty from across the university. It provided an opportunity for faculty to get to know each other, develop […]

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On Friday, March 10, more than 100 faculty members at Western University came together for a solidarity lunch hosted by the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association’s contract faculty committee. Supported by OCUFA, the lunch was a unique and creative event that provided an opportunity to build solidarity leading up to bargaining in 2018. At […]

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On March 3, faculty, students, staff, and concerned citizens from across Ontario will engage in a day of action on Twitter to raise awareness about the need for fairness for contract faculty. This work will build on the momentum generated during last fall’s Fair Employment Week. Throughout the day, university and college community members will […]

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Did you know that OCUFA has a contract faculty and faculty complement committee? The goal of the committee is to develop solidarity between tenured faculty and contract faculty. We face so many challenges on our campuses, including issues of governance, equity, and the terms and conditions of employment. These problems cannot be solved in isolation […]

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TORONTO – University professors are calling for fairness for contract faculty across Ontario this week. Public events and outreach activities will aim to educate students and community members about working conditions for the growing number of professors working on contract who face job insecurity, unpredictable scheduling, unfair wages, and lack access to benefits. “We’re going […]