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TORONTO, March 9, 2022 – Universities across Ontario have increased their focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives in recent years. However, without commitments to improve job security, pay, and benefits for contract faculty and other precariously employed campus workers, these initiatives will fall short. Contract faculty, who routinely make less than their securely employed […]

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TORONTO, March 8, 2022 – The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) believes that preventing unionized workers from taking claims of discrimination and harassment to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) will strip union members of fundamental rights and undermine work to build more equitable, diverse, and inclusive workplaces. Further, the exceptionally short […]

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OCUFA is holding its annual Social Media Day of Action for fairness for contract faculty on Wednesday, March 9. All interested in advocating for better working conditions for contract faculty and other precariously employed campus workers are welcome to participate. OCUFA will be active on social media all day. We encourage you follow to us […]

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Members of the X/Ryerson Faculty Association (XRFA) have just ratified a three-year collective agreement that represents significant gains on equity, Indigenous complement, librarian rights, and benefits. The university has allocated $500,000 dollars for salary anomalies, with $200,000 of that specifically for gender anomalies. A Joint Committee on Equity in Salary will be created to make […]

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OCUFA is pleased to announce that we are now accepting nominations for the Teaching and Academic Librarians Awards and Equity and Social Justice Committee Award of Distinction. We are also accepting applications for the Henry Mandelbaum Graduate Fellowship and Mark Rosenfeld Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism. At OCUFA, we believe it is important to recognize […]

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The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) extends its solidarity and support to faculty at Ontario Tech University, who are on strike for the first time in their union’s history. Members of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty Association (UOITFA) have been working hard to negotiate a fair collective agreement. To end […]

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Meeting and resolutions The pandemic may continue, but at its Board Meeting on October 23 OCUFA set its sights on the 2022 provincial election and the goal of electing a government committed to supporting high-quality, public postsecondary education in Ontario. Good jobs for all Since the last election, the Ford government has repealed large parts of the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act and introduced wage restraint legislation under Bill 124 . […]

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The concept of micro-credentials has gained increasing popularity in postsecondary education recently. These short-term, highly targeted certificate courses focus on developing specific skills or knowledge. However, there has been a lot of confusion about micro-credentials, how they should be recognized, and how they fit into Ontario’s postsecondary education system. In response, OCUFA has developed a comprehensive briefing note that explains what micro-credentials […]

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The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) has released a toolkit to support organizing for publicly funded, universal postsecondary education in Ontario. Developed through open public discussions at the OFL’s Education Assembly, the toolkit lays out the rationale for a postsecondary education system free of tuition fees, student debt, and institutional deficits. The OFL shows how this […]

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TORONTO, June 9, 2021 — Ontario’s university faculty and academic librarians were deeply disturbed to learn of the recent attack and murder of a Muslim family in London, Ontario—Madiha Salman, Salman Afzaal, their daughter Yumna Afzaal, and Salman’s mother. Madiha and Salman’s son Fayez remains in hospital, recovering. The family was targeted because of their […]

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Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) is continuing its survey of workers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey uses scientifically recognized questions that measure different aspects of job-related psychosocial conditions, along with symptoms related to intense stressful conditions and mood disorders. OHCOW’s survey gives voice to the thousands of workers trying to get […]

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TORONTO, May 26, 2021 — The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is pleased that Minister of Colleges and Universities Ross Romano has accepted the recommendation of Ontario’s Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB) and, as a result, will deny university status to the Canada Christian College (CCC). After conducting an in-depth review of […]

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The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is alarmed at the detrimental impact the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) process is having on Indigenous studies, faculty, students, and the community in the Greater Sudbury area. As part of the CCAA process, the Indigenous Studies Department, its programs, and its faculty have been terminated. For […]

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Dr. Ciann Wilson, an Assistant Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University, has won the 2020 Equity and Social Justice Committee Award of Distinction, presented by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). The award, sponsored by OCUFA’s Equity and Social Justice Committee, recognizes faculty whose work has improved the lives and working conditions of academics […]

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Min Sook Lee, an Assistant Professor at the Ontario College of Art & Design University, has won the 2020 Equity and Social Justice Committee Award of Distinction, presented by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). The award, sponsored by OCUFA’s Equity and Social Justice Committee, recognizes faculty whose work has improved the lives […]