contract faculty

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OCUFA’s Contract Faculty Committee held a full-day workshop on May 26th full of inspiring speakers and hands-on organizing training. Keynote speaker Laura Walton, President of the  CUPE Ontario School Board Council of Unions , shared how education workers engaged in the deep organizing necessary to mobilize people across Ontario in support of their bargaining demands, to crush Bill 28, and win a solid collective agreement.   […]

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On February 28th, tenured faculty, students, community members showcased their support and appreciation for contract faculty’s contributions to our campus communities through sharing short videos and graphics online for OCUFA’s eighth annual social media day of action.  Participants used this opportunity to bring attention to contract faculty demands for job security, equal pay for equal […]

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TORONTO, February 22, 2023 – The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) calls on universities across the province to revisit employment agreements with faculty and academic staff negotiated during the last three years under the Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act—formerly Bill 124, now declared unconstitutional. “Faculty, librarians, and staff have […]

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On Tuesday, November 15, faculty and academic librarians from across the province gathered at the Ontario Legislature to meet with Members of Provincial Parliament to advocate for robust funding of public post-secondary institutions, better working conditions and support for contract faculty, the need for faculty renewal at Ontario universities, and for changes to Bill 26 that […]

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The University of Guelph Faculty Association (UGFA), the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association (UWOFA) and the part-time unit of Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association (WLUFA) all reached tentative agreements in recent days following extensive bargaining and mobilization efforts. The agreements are now at various stages in the ratification process. Further details to follow.

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Nipissing University Faculty Association ( NUFA ) contract academic staff bargaining unit (CASBU) members have voted 83 per cent in favour of a strike if negotiations with the university reach an impasse. CASBU members sent a clear message to the university administration that it is time to negotiate reasonable improvements to compensation and job security. NUFA […]

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October 17-21 is Fair Employment Week , an annual campaign led by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) to raise awareness and improve the working conditions of precariously employed contract faculty and academic staff. On Ontario campuses, OCUFA member organizations are hosting events, tabling on campus, and participating in social media campaigns. See more on the OCUFA […]

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OCUFA has released a new video that celebrates the energy, commitment, and dedication of faculty, academic librarians, and other academic professionals across Ontario. The past year has been challenging, with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of Laurentian University, but OCUFA’s members have persevered and shown that they are energized and ready to redouble […]

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The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) has given the Ford government a failing grade for its election budget. After four years of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government undermining the foundations of public universities and allowing our postsecondary education system to languish behind every other province, this budget promises no improvement to university education quality, […]

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There is more to Academic Matters than just the print issue. New articles are being added to the Academic Matters website every week. Here are some recent articles you might find interesting: Are there ever really ‘financial reasons’ to fire faculty? Laurentian University, academic freedom, and the disciplining of the professoriate “The 2020–21 academic year saw two incidents of Ontario professors being effectively fired: the termination of 116 of the 345 professors at Laurentian […]

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On Saturday, February 26, OCUFA held its second Board of Directors meeting of the 2021-22 academic year. At the meeting, board members discussed the organization’s advocacy plans for the Ontario provincial election in June. OCUFA’s goal is to ensure the next provincial government is committed to supporting Ontario’s public universities. During the meeting, OCUFA member […]

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TORONTO, March 9, 2022 – Universities across Ontario have increased their focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives in recent years. However, without commitments to improve job security, pay, and benefits for contract faculty and other precariously employed campus workers, these initiatives will fall short. Contract faculty, who routinely make less than their securely employed […]

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This election presents a valuable opportunity to put postsecondary education on the agenda and build a better future for Ontario. Each political party is making promises and proposals that will affect university faculty, students, our families, and our communities. This election, OCUFA is focused on three advocacy priorities : Fairness for contract faculty to ensure all faculty are […]

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OCUFA is holding its annual Social Media Day of Action for fairness for contract faculty on Wednesday, March 9. All interested in advocating for better working conditions for contract faculty and other precariously employed campus workers are welcome to participate. OCUFA will be active on social media all day. We encourage you follow to us […]