bargaining and labour

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The University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty Association (UOITFA), which represents full-time faculty at Ontario Tech University, recently completed a successful Social Media Day of Action in support of bargaining to urge the Ontario Tech administration to take action on workload, mental health, pay equity, and pension issues identified as priorities by faculty working […]

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Laurentian University insolvency reflects a structural crisis in Ontario’s neoliberal university system By David Leadbeater “On February 1 the Laurentian University president and board got what they wanted from Ontario Chief Justice Geoffrey Morawetz: “This Court orders and declares that the Applicant [Laurentian] is insolvent and is a company to which the CCAA applies.” The CCAA—Companies’ Creditors Arrangement…” When the Government comes for you, you better have academic freedom By Marc Spooner, University of Regina “Every so often, […]

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Congratulations to the Brescia Faculty Association (BFA) for ratifying a new collective agreement. The BFA made a number of notable gains in the areas of faculty hiring, workload, contract faculty security, and professional expense reimbursements. New language will place a greater emphasis on internal hiring, making it easier for contract faculty or faculty in limited […]

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Now is the time to remind MPs we need to take action to prevent more crises like the collapse of Laurentian University. We have just a few days before MPs break for the summer and head into a potential fall election. Send a letter to your MP. Ask them to amend the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act to exclude publicly funded institutions […]

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On April 29, the Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association sent a letter to the Laurentian University Board of Governors calling for the termination of President and Vice-Chancellor Robert Haché, as well as his senior administrative team. The letter also calls for the rebuilding of the university’s Board. On May 5, members of the University of Ontario […]

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Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) is continuing its survey of workers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey uses scientifically recognized questions that measure different aspects of job-related psychosocial conditions, along with symptoms related to intense stressful conditions and mood disorders. OHCOW’s survey gives voice to the thousands of workers trying to get […]

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As part of the wide-ranging Bill 276, Supporting Recovering and Competitiveness Act, 2021, the Ontario government added legislation to make the Northern Ontario School of Medicine an autonomous university. In response to this proposed legislation, which was announced without appropriate consultation or notice, OCUFA has made both written and verbal submissions to the Standing Committee […]

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Following two days of Interest Arbitration, months of mediation, and over a year of bargaining, the Ontario College of Art & Design Faculty Association (OCADFA) has secured significant gains in the areas of Sessional and Teaching Intensive Stream job security and in equity hiring and retention. Amongst the gains made are the introduction of the […]

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In a letter to the president of OCAD University, OCUFA has condemned the university’s termination of four senior librarians and two other library positions. OCUFA President Rahul Sapra described the important of university librarians at Ontario universities and urged OCADU’s administration to reinstate all six positions and rehire the librarians whose jobs were eliminated. […]

OFL Education Assembly – June 26, 2021
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Join OCUFA and the OFL for another virtual Province-Wide Education Assembly to discuss what Ontarians need from our education systems during COVID-19 and beyond. Saturday, June 26 at 10 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Parents, teachers, students, child care workers, faculty, and support staff across education sectors are invited to come together to envision and discuss a seamless […]

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OCUFA continues to provide LUFA with direct support on the fallout of the CCAA process. Below is a digest of key events, media coverage, and political action from the past week regarding the Laurentian CCAA Proceeding. Please note that going forward, OCUFA will be providing updates as new actions and significant information or updates transpire, […]

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Members of the Professors’ Association of Saint Paul University (PASPU) have ratified a three-year agreement. The agreement includes significant non-monetary gains that protect the membership and foster career development. The new agreement includes equity gains, including language permitting members to include the period of pregnancy and parental leave towards service time calculations for promotion and […]

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OCUFA member associations continue to push back against Minister Romano for his role in the collapse of Laurentian University. We are seeing the positive impact of these efforts as the issue continues to be covered by the media. A highlight of last week was hearing OCUFA’s positions clearly laid out on The Agenda by Past President and […]

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TORONTO, April 28, 2021 – On April 20th, Ontario faculty, students, and community members took part in a virtual action demanding the resignation of Minister of Colleges and Universities, Ross Romano. Minister Romano has refused to engage with OCUFA or to comment publicly on the situation at Laurentian University. In the absence of being able […]

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The mediation phase of the proceeding with the Laurentian University Faculty Association and Senate has ended. As a result, 110 Laurentian faculty members lost their jobs and 69 programs were cut at the institution (please refer to the end of the email for the list of programs). The next few weeks will determine whether the […]