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A new agreement for St. Jerome’s contract academic staff

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The St. Jerome’s contract academic staff unit ratified their new three-year agreement last month. The overall theme of their bargaining campaign was fairness and dignity for contract academic staff. The outcome was successful, with significant improvements to the seniority system, longer job contracts of up to two years, access to new benefits and leaves, higher Record of Employment (ROE) hours per course for Employment Insurance (EI) reporting purposes, new compensation for training and service, and new supports for teaching, research, and professional development. The agreement also includes a reopener clause in the case that Bill 124 is repealed or successfully challenged.
On job security, members can now accumulate seniority points and earn seniority status more quickly, with the elimination of the one point per academic year cap. A member can achieve seniority status in two years (from four), while the expiry window for seniority points is expanded from three to six years. The new agreement also includes multiple contract commitments of up to 24 months, and a past practice of offering eight-month contracts where feasible will be reinstated. Furthermore, if a member teaches six courses per year over three years, the Dean must consider appointing that member to a definite term appointment in the full-time bargaining unit.
On pensions, members who hold multiple contract commitments and meet the University of Waterloo Pension eligibility requirements are now eligible. Pay in lieu of health benefits equivalent to three per cent of base salary for members who teach at least one course per term for three consecutive terms has also been secured. Members are also now eligible for paid sick leave of up to two weeks, as well as have access to the employee and family assistance plan. Record of Employment hours will be increased from 180 hours to 235 hours per course. As the Bill 124 moderation applied for term of the agreement, a one per cent increase per year was applied to stipends.
New forms of compensation for service were negotiated, as well as a new Contract Academic Staff (CAS) Fellowship Program for members with seniority status. The Fellowship Program allows a member to pursue research, course development, professional development, or any other activity of benefit to the member and the university, while receiving a stipend. Professional Expense Reimbursement (PER) funds are increased by $50 to $200 per course. In consultation with the union, members may also negotiate compensation for new on-campus course developments and for course updates.

Annonce des prix de distinction de l’OCUFA de 2021-2022

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L’Union des associations des professeurs des universités de l’Ontario (OCUFA) a rendu hommage à 12 membres de la communauté universitaire de l’Ontario pour leur enseignement, leur bibliothéconomie, leur journalisme, leur érudition et leurs services à leur association des professeurs en leur décernant les Prix de distinction de l’OCUFA de 2021-2022.

« Les lauréats de cette année représentent l’étendue de l’expérience et la profondeur des connaissances qui sont requises pour l’enseignement, la recherche et les services à la communauté universitaire et au grand public, a déclaré Sue Wurtele, présidente de l’OCUFA.  L’OCUFA est honorée de leur rendre hommage pour leurs réalisations. »

Les lauréates des Prix de l’enseignement de 2021-2022 de l’OCUFA sont :

  • Dre Nicole Campbell, professeure agrégée, école de médecine et de dentisterie/département de physiologie et de pharmacologie, Université Western
  • Marylynn Steckley, Ph. D., professeure agrégée, faculté des affaires publiques/baccalauréat en études mondiales et internationales, Université Carleton

Le lauréat du Prix de bibliothéconomie de 2021-2022 de l’OCUFA est :

  • Matthew Rohweder, bibliothécaire de liaison, affaires et économie et sociologie, Université Wilfrid Laurier

Les lauréates des Bourses de recherche Henry Mandelbaum pour l’excellence en sciences sociales, en sciences humaines ou en arts de 2021-2022 de l’OCUFA sont :

  • Jade Da Costa, doctorante, sociologie, Université York
  • Luz Paczka Giorgi, étudiante de maîtrise, design pour la santé, Université de l’École d’art et de design de l’Ontario

Les lauréats de la Bourse Mark Rosenfeld de l’OCUFA en journalisme sur l’enseignement supérieur de 2021-2022 sont :

La lauréate du Prix de distinction de la condition féminine et de l’équité de 2021-2022 de l’OCUFA est :

  • Karen Poole, présidente du comité d’équité, de diversité et de la condition féminine, Lakehead University Faculty Association

La lauréate du Prix des griefs et de l’arbitration de 2021-2022 de l’OCUFA est :

  • Sheila McKee-Protopapas, directrice principale et coordonnatrice des griefs, Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association

Le lauréat du Prix Lorimer pour la négociation collective de 2021-2022 de l’OCUFA est :

Les lauréats du Prix du service de 2021-2022 de l’OCUFA sont :

  • Fabrice Colin, Ph. D., président, et Linda St-Pierre, Ph. D., directrice principale et agente en chef des griefs, Laurentian University Faculty Association/Association des professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Laurentienne

Les prix ont été décernés lors du Gala des prix de distinction de 2021-2022 de l’OCUFA à l’hôtel Marriott Toronto City Centre, le samedi 29 octobre. Il s’agissait de la première fois en deux ans que les prix de l’OCUFA étaient décernés en personne.

Les mentions complètes de chaque prix et une vidéo honorant les lauréats sont maintenant accessibles dans le site Web de l’OCUFA.

« Nous reconnaissons que nombre de nos lauréats accomplissent leur travail inestimable malgré l’adversité et la résistance, et nous les remercions pour leur engagement envers leurs collègues, leurs étudiants et leurs communautés, a déclaré Mme Wurtele. Certains de nos prix remontent à 50 ans, mais cette année marque la première fois que nous célébrons tous nos lauréats ensemble et que nous reconnaissons leur contribution collective à nos universités, à nos associations et à l’ensemble du secteur postsecondaire. »

2021-2022 OCUFA Awards of Distinction Announced

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The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) recognized 12 members of Ontario’s academic community for their teaching, librarianship, journalism, scholarship, and service to their faculty associations as recipients of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Awards of Distinction last week.

“This year’s award recipients represent the breadth of experience and depth of knowledge that are required to teach, research, and serve the academic community and wider public,” said Sue Wurtele, OCUFA President. “OCUFA is honored to recognize them for their achievements.”

The recipients of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Teaching Awards are:

  • Dr. Nicole Campbell, Associate Professor, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry/Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Western University
  • Dr. Marylynn Steckley, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Public Affairs/Bachelor of Global and International Studies, Carleton University

The recipient of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Academic Librarianship Award is:

  • Matthew Rohweder, Liaison Librarian, Business and Economics & Sociology, Wilfrid Laurier University

The recipients of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Henry Mandelbaum Graduate Fellowships for Excellence in Social Sciences, Humanities, or Arts are:

  • Jade Da Costa, PhD Student, Sociology, York University
  • Luz Paczka Giorgi, Master’s Student, Design for Health, Ontario College of Art and Design University

The recipients of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Mark Rosenfeld Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism are:

The recipient of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Equity and Social Justice Committee Award is:

  • Karen Poole, Equity, Diversity and Status of Women Committee Chair, Lakehead University Faculty Association

The recipient of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Grievance/Arbitration Award is:

  • Sheila McKee-Protopapas, Executive Director and Grievance Coordinator, Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association

The recipient of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Lorimer Collective Bargaining Award is:

The recipients of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Service Award are:

  • Dr. Fabrice Colin, President, and Dr. Linda St-Pierre, Executive Director and Chief Grievance Officer, Laurentian University Faculty Association/ L’Association des professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Laurentienne

The awards were presented at the 2021-2022 OCUFA Awards of Distinction Gala at the Marriott Toronto City Centre Hotel on Saturday, October 29, and marked the first time in two years that OCUFA awards were presented in person.

Full citations of each award and a video celebrating all the award winners are now available on the OCUFA website.

“We recognize that many of our awardees do their invaluable work in the face of adversity and resistance, and thank them for their commitment to their colleagues, students, and communities,” said Wurtele. “Some of our awards date back 50 years, but this year marks the first time we are celebrating all of our awardees together and appreciating their collective contribution to our universities, our associations, and the entire post-secondary sector.”

OCUFA stands in solidarity with Ontario education workers and condemns Ontario government’s tabled back-to-work legislation

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TORONTO, October 31, 2022 – The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) extends a message of solidarity to education workers in Ontario, represented by CUPE – Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU) and condemns the Ontario government’s tabled back-to-work legislation and threats to invoke the notwithstanding clause to protect this legislation from constitutional and legal challenges.

“Canadian workers have a constitutionally protected right to strike, and in our view, this legislation is an illegal, attempted infringement on this right,” said Sue Wurtele, OCUFA President. “This legislation is a pointed and conspicuous threat to workers’ rights in Ontario. OCUFA supports CUPE-OSBCU education workers in their fight against this legislation and their calls for fairness and equity on the job.”

The 55,000 OSBCU members include education assistants, school library workers, administrative assistants, custodians and tradespeople, early childhood educators, instructors, social workers, and more. These workers earn $39,000 per year on average, and 51 per cent of them must work another job to make ends meet. They are calling on the Ford government to hire more education workers to support all students, and to increase their wages, as they are the lowest paid employees in the sector.

Representing 17,000 faculty, librarians, and academic workers across Ontario, OCUFA supports education workers’ fight for fairness and equity inside and outside the classroom. OCUFA is concerned that education workers have seen an 11 per cent real wage cut in the last decade, and 91 per cent face financial hardship today. Further, OCUFA is disturbed by the disproportionate impact of low pay on women, who make up 70 per cent of the CUPE-OSBCU workforce and are more likely to be employed in positions with lower annual incomes than men and in positions that are affected by temporary layoffs during school breaks. These inequities add to the province’s gender pay gap.

On behalf of its 31 member organizations, OCUFA calls on the provincial government to continue to bargain in good faith, raise education workers’ wages significantly to ensure their financial stability, and to hire more workers to do the essential jobs that keep children safe, healthy, and cared for in schools. We also invite supporters to sign a letter of support and learn more about the campaign.

Founded in 1964, OCUFA represents 17,000 faculty, academic librarians, and other academic professionals in 31 member organizations across Ontario. It is committed to enhancing the quality of higher education in Ontario and recognizing the outstanding contributions of its members towards creating a world-class university system. For more information, please visit the OCUFA website at


For more information, contact:

Manisha Aggarwal-Schifellite, Communications Lead at 416-306-6033 or

OCUFA stands in solidarity with Ontario education workers and condemns Ontario government’s tabled back-to-work legislation

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TORONTO, October 31, 2022 – The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) extends a message of solidarity to education workers in Ontario, represented by CUPE – Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU) and condemns the Ontario government’s tabled back-to-work legislation and threats to invoke the notwithstanding clause to protect this legislation from constitutional and legal challenges.

“Canadian workers have a constitutionally protected right to strike, and in our view, this legislation is an illegal, attempted infringement on this right,” said Sue Wurtele, OCUFA President. “This legislation is a pointed and conspicuous threat to workers’ rights in Ontario. OCUFA supports CUPE-OSBCU education workers in their fight against this legislation and their calls for fairness and equity on the job.”

The 55,000 OSBCU members include education assistants, school library workers, administrative assistants, custodians and tradespeople, early childhood educators, instructors, social workers, and more. These workers earn $39,000 per year on average, and 51 per cent of them must work another job to make ends meet. They are calling on the Ford government to hire more education workers to support all students, and to increase their wages, as they are the lowest paid employees in the sector.

Representing 17,000 faculty, librarians, and academic workers across Ontario, OCUFA supports education workers’ fight for fairness and equity inside and outside the classroom. OCUFA is concerned that education workers have seen an 11 per cent real wage cut in the last decade, and 91 per cent face financial hardship today. Further, OCUFA is disturbed by the disproportionate impact of low pay on women, who make up 70 per cent of the CUPE-OSBCU workforce and are more likely to be employed in positions with lower annual incomes than men and in positions that are affected by temporary layoffs during school breaks. These inequities add to the province’s gender pay gap.

On behalf of its 31 member organizations, OCUFA calls on the provincial government to continue to bargain in good faith, raise education workers’ wages significantly to ensure their financial stability, and to hire more workers to do the essential jobs that keep children safe, healthy, and cared for in schools. We also invite supporters to sign a letter of support and learn more about the campaign.

Founded in 1964, OCUFA represents 17,000 faculty, academic librarians, and other academic professionals in 31 member organizations across Ontario. It is committed to enhancing the quality of higher education in Ontario and recognizing the outstanding contributions of its members towards creating a world-class university system. For more information, please visit the OCUFA website at


For more information, contact:

Manisha Aggarwal-Schifellite, Communications Lead at 416-306-6033 or

OCUFA Awards of Distinction honour Ontario academic community members

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TORONTO, October 26, 2022 – The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is pleased to recognize twelve members of Ontario’s academic community who have been recognized for their teaching, librarianship, journalism, scholarship, and service to their faculty associations as recipients of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Awards of Distinction.

“This year’s award recipients represent the breadth of experience and depth of knowledge that are required to teach, research, and serve the academic community and wider public,” said Sue Wurtele, OCUFA President. “OCUFA is honored to recognize them for their achievements.”

The recipients of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Teaching Awards are:

  • Dr. Nicole Campbell, Associate Professor, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry/Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Western University
  • Dr. Marylynn Steckley, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Public Affairs/Bachelor of Global and International Studies, Carleton University

The recipient of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Academic Librarianship Award is:

  • Matthew Rohweder, Liaison Librarian, Business and Economics & Sociology, Wilfrid Laurier University

The recipients of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Henry Mandelbaum Graduate Fellowships for Excellence in Social Sciences, Humanities, or Arts are:

  • Jade Da Costa, PhD Student, Sociology, York University
  • Luz Paczka Giorgi, Master’s Student, Design for Health, Ontario College of Art and Design University

The recipients of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Mark Rosenfeld Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism are:

  • Tahmeed Shafiq and Jadine Ngan

The recipient of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Equity and Social Justice Committee Award is:

  • Karen Poole, Equity, Diversity and Status of Women Committee Chair, Lakehead University Faculty Association

The recipient of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Grievance/Arbitration Award is:

  • Sheila McKee-Protopapas, Executive Director and Grievance Coordinator, Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association

The recipient of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Lorimer Collective Bargaining Award is:

  • Dr. Larry Savage, Chief Negotiator, Brock University Faculty Association

The recipients of the 2021-2022 OCUFA Service Award are:

  • Dr. Fabrice Colin, President, and Dr. Linda St-Pierre, Executive Director and Chief Grievance Officer, Laurentian University Faculty Association/ L’Association des professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Laurentienne

The awards will be presented at the 2021-2022 OCUFA Awards of Distinction Gala at the Marriott Toronto City Centre Hotel on Saturday, October 29, and marks the first time in two years that OCUFA awards will be presented in person. Full citations of each award are now available on the OCUFA website, and videos featuring the full citations and statements from award recipients will be posted soon. Visit:

“We recognize that many of our awardees do their invaluable work in the face of adversity and resistance, and thank them for their commitment to their colleagues, students, and communities,” said Wurtele. “Some of our awards date back 50 years, but this year marks the first time we are celebrating all of our awardees together and appreciating their collective contribution to our universities, our associations, and the entire post-secondary sector.”

Founded in 1964, OCUFA represents 17,000 faculty, academic librarians, and other academic professionals in 31 member organizations across Ontario. It is committed to enhancing the quality of higher education in Ontario and recognizing the outstanding contributions of its members towards creating a world-class university system. For more information, please visit the OCUFA website at


To arrange interviews or for more information, please contact:

Manisha Aggarwal-Schifellite, Communications Lead at 416-306-6033 or

New agreement ratified at King’s

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The King’s University College Faculty Association (KUCFA) ratified a new two-year agreement in September. Gains were made on all KUCFA’s goals related to equity, fair compensation, workload fairness, and meaningful collegial governance.

Equity gains were made for Indigenous faculty and retirees. Indigenous-identifying faculty will be evaluated according to criteria that recognizes Indigenous ways of knowing and Indigenous knowledge with respect to teaching, scholarship, service, and research. Retirees who had held a full-time position for at least five years at the rank of either Associate or Full Professor are now eligible for Professor Emeritus/Emerita Designation. Entitlements include continued access to the e-mail address they had prior to retirement and full library privileges.

On workload, members in their first year of appointment to a full-time tenure track position have a reduced teaching load of two full course equivalents (as opposed to 2.5 for other faculty). With respect to teaching mode of delivery, the collective agreement now has a provision that teaching duties will normally be performed in person. However, online or asynchronous delivery for program integrity can be requested by Schools and academic departments, subject to the Dean’s discretion. Limited-Term Appointments (LTAs) are now expected to engage in scholarly and professional activities.

On governance, KUCFA can now negotiate a new or amended policy or practice discussed at the Joint Consultative Committee where the policy is determined to affect the terms and conditions of employment of members, prior to implementation. Improvements to the grievance procedures involve ensuring that KUCFA has carriage of all grievances. Language around financial exigency and program redundancy has been strengthened.

On compensation, King’s was still under one year of moderation. In each of the two years of the agreement, there is a one per cent ATB increase to salaries, as well as to Progress-Through-the-Ranks (PTR) increments, and a one per cent increase to overload rates in the first year of the agreement. For 2023-2024 there will be an additional one-time increase of $5,000 on the base salary to address the comparator wage gap. KUCFA also negotiated a wage re-opener clause for 2023-24 in the case that Bill 124 is repealed or amended.

On pension and benefits, the King’s Pension Plan Committee is instructed to make a formal recommendation to the parties by March 31st, 2023, regarding the transfer of the King’s Defined Benefit (DB) pension plan to the University Pension Plan (UPP). Group life insurance increased by $78,000 to a maximum of $438,000. Increases were also gained for hearing aids, nursing home, and mental health counseling coverage. LTAs of minimum one year now receive $4,000 per year towards the purchase of a benefits package in place of the new faculty start-up benefit. New full-time LTAs with contracts of three years are now eligible for moving expenses. Professional Expense Reimbursement (PER) funds increased by one per cent in each year of the agreement.

Through the Salary Anomaly Study established in the previous agreement, a standardized set of criteria for the determination of experience credits for full-time faculty has been set up as an appendix in the collective agreement.

Queens faculty working towards escalated job action

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Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA) members are getting ready to step up their job action as the bargaining team has been frustrated with slow progress at the table. Highlighting the disrespect members are feeling from Queen’s University administration, particularly on equity issues, job security for adjuncts, intellectual property and research funding, the theme is “Disrespected.”

Members are optimistic this show of solidarity will encourage the bargaining team and ensure administration comes to the table ready to talk and engage on these important issues. For Fair Employment Week, adjunct QUFA members hosted an information table on campus to draw the Queen’s community’s attention to these important issues.

Contract faculty at Nipissing University demand a fair and equitable agreement

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Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) contract academic staff bargaining unit (CASBU) members have voted 83 per cent in favour of a strike if negotiations with the university reach an impasse. CASBU members sent a clear message to the university administration that it is time to negotiate reasonable improvements to compensation and job security.

NUFA is the third faculty association in Ontario this fall to receive an overwhelming strike mandate from their members, joining WLUFA and UWOFA in their push for better working conditions.

Support contract academic staff during Fair Employment Week!

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October 17-21 is Fair Employment Week, an annual campaign led by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) to raise awareness and improve the working conditions of precariously employed contract faculty and academic staff.

On Ontario campuses, OCUFA member organizations are hosting events, tabling on campus, and participating in social media campaigns. See more on the OCUFA Twitter account.

Wednesday, October 19 is the Fair Employment Week Social Media Day of Action! Get graphics and content ideas here and share your support for contract academic faculty!

Check out the hashtags #FairEmploymentWeek and #Fairness4CF on social media or follow your local faculty association to learn more about how to support the cause, and find all of CAUT’s resources for Fair Employment Week on their website.

New issue of Academic Matters investigates the pandemic and the future of the university

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What will the future of the academy look like? It’s a big question with infinite answers. The latest issue of Academic Matters, published in Summer 2022, focused on the long arc of the COVID-19 pandemic and what it means for teaching, learning, and research. This issue was also the last for outgoing editor-in-chief Ben Lewis. Thank you for all your work, Ben!

Editorial Matters: Pandemic Learning
By Ben Lewis, Editor-in-Chief
“The legacy of the past two years will play out for decades and the consequences will be felt disparately in different communities—potentially marking a paradigm shift in postsecondary education…”

Glimpsing the future, thanks to a pandemic
By Ken Steele
“If the pandemic has a silver lining (however thin), it is that the unequal circumstances and invisible challenges faced by many of our colleagues and students—both before and during the pandemic—have become strikingly evident…”

Let’s normalize kindness in post-pandemic learning
By Yvonne Su, York University
“In the post-pandemic university, it is more important than ever for us to be kind and build a culture of care. This culture is vital—for students and educators—as the pre-pandemic levels of stress and burnout in both populations cannot be tolerated…”

Blank stares and black screens: The pitfalls of virtual learning and the challenges of post-pandemic education
By Ari Gandsman, University of Ottawa
“We cannot forget that this has all been a grand social experiment. None of this would have been possible a decade ago, when broadband internet and videoconferencing platforms were far less accessible. While we bemoan the effects of technology on our lives, we have now allowed it to hijack our education systems…”

The future of internationalization in the wake of COVID
By Elizabeth Buckner, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
“Our postsecondary institutions do an impressive job creating ways for people from around the world to communicate with each other, whether on physical campuses or in virtual spaces. However, fostering deep and meaningful human connections among these individuals, who have different backgrounds and worldviews, is a much more difficult challenge…”

Inside the mental health crisis facing college and university students
By Simon Lewsen with photography by Chloë Ellingson
“Over the last decade, reports of postsecondary students trying and failing to secure psychological services have become ubiquitous. Pundits and psychiatrists now talk about a mental health crisis on campus, and it isn’t hard to see why…”

Faculty members from Wilfrid Laurier to Western give bargaining teams strong strike mandates

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Members of the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association (UWOFA) and Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association (WLUFA) part-time unit have given their bargaining teams resounding strike mandates. UWOFA members voted 91 per cent in favour and WLUFA contract faculty voted 95.4 per cent in favour of authorizing their respective bargaining and Executive teams to call for strike action if negotiations at the universities reach an impasse.

UWOFA has been bargaining since the summer and is now in conciliation trying to reach a fair deal that rewards and recognizes faculty effort, provides equitable workloads, enhanced health and wellness, and improves job security for contract faculty. The WLUFA team is seeking to improve job security, compensation, and benefits for precariously employed faculty this round.

Three OCUFA member organizations ratify new agreements, gain benefits

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Three OCUFA member organizations ratified new agreements in recent months:

Lakehead University

The Lakehead University Faculty Association (LUFA) ratified a new agreement at the end of July. Still under the shadow of the compensation restraint imposed by Bill 124, the negotiating team focused on bargaining for a one-year deal and made some significant gains on the priorities identified through a member survey.

On the longstanding priority of pension reforms, the parties agreed to switch to CAAT for future service beginning January 1st, 2023. Benefits improvements include a removal in the inequity in retiree benefits and an increase in the number of compassionate leave days from three to five. Professional Expenses Reimbursement amounts have been increased for Faculty, Librarians, Continuing Lecturers, and Levels 2 and 3 Contract Lecturers. Under Bill 124 restraint, all available compensation has been increased by one per cent.

In other changes, several Letters of Understanding have been moved into the relevant sections of the agreement, including language related to Teaching-Focused Faculty. Progress-Through-the-Ranks (PTR) requirements for Teaching-Focused Faculty have been updated to match PTR language for tenure-stream appointments. The eligibility for Right of First Refusal for Contract Lecturers has been lowered from three to two years.

The agreement also saw equity-related language changes, incorporating new equity, diversity, and inclusion language and changing some existing language to be more inclusive.

Algoma University

In mid-August, Part-Time Contract Faculty at Algoma University, represented by OPSEU Local 685, reached a new three-year agreement after a process that took several months.

Negotiating after the end of the moderation period imposed by Bill 124, members gained Across-The-Board (ATB) increases of three per cent effective July 1st, 2022, 2.5 per cent effective September 1st, 2023, and 2.5 per cent effective September 1st, 2024. In addition, a one-time wage increase of seven per cent will be applied to instructors’ wage grid salary rates on January 1st, 2023 to coincide with changes to Marking and Grading and Distance Education compensation.

Effective January 1st, 2023, there will be an increase in the marking and grading assistance from the current rate of $250 for classes of over 42 students plus $10 per student over 50 to $95 per student over 40; this will apply to every mode of delivery, including Distance Education, (with the exception of reading courses) and will replace the current distance education stipend. For classes of 100 or more students, the University reserves the right to assign paid marking/grading assistance.

Other gains include an increase in the tuition fee waiver from one three-credit course to two three-credit courses for every three-credit course taught; an increase to $36 per hour (previously $34) inclusive of vacation pay for Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) responsibilities and mandatory work assignments (prorated in 15 min. increments); and increased time to file grievances. The preamble to the collective agreement will now contain a land acknowledgement.

Osgoode Hall

At the end of August, members of the Osgoode Hall Faculty Association (OHFA) ratified a new three-year collective agreement with gains on several fronts.

Under restraint imposed by Bill 124, the agreement contains ATB and stipend increases of one per cent per year. It also contains a commitment to a Bill 124 reopener. The salary anomalies exercise will continue, with a one per cent increase per year to the $16,000 anomaly fund available annually.

Members will see several increases in benefits: inclusion of psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and social workers under psychological services; coverage of medical marijuana of up to $1,500 per year; and an increase in the caps for vision care, vaccine coverage, global paramedical services, dental care, hearing aids, and prosthetics.

Members will also receive increases in the conference travel fund, the computer renewal program, and professional expense reimbursement as part of professional and work-related benefits. Effective July 1st, 2023, the number of faculty awarded one (1) high enrollment teaching credit hour annually will increase from 12 to 14. The number of research release fellowships (granting tenured faculty a semester free of teaching) was increased from four to five.

The agreement includes a program for Equity-Focused Appointments under which one candidate who self-identifies as Indigenous or as a Black person of African descent will be recruited for a tenure-stream position. The appointment will be part of the regular annual appointments exercise, with the potential for additional incentive funding to be provided by the Provost & Vice-President Academic at their discretion.

The agreement contains a commitment to complement reporting under which the Dean will continue to provide timely reporting on an annual basis to Faculty Council on the current number of tenure stream faculty, authorizations for new appointments, updates on recruitment, pending arrivals, and the aggregate of any pending departures known to the University.

Under a Voluntary Retirement Plan, faculty may take a 12-month sabbatical at 100 per cent of academic base salary, immediately following which they will retire from the University, provided they do so: (a) (i) within five years of reaching their normal retirement date, and (ii) have accrued at least five years of sabbatical credit; OR (b) (i) up to ten years past their normal retirement date, and (ii) have accrued at least four years of sabbatical credit.

In addition, as part of a voluntary separation agreement, faculty will be given the opportunity to receive a lump sum retiring allowance or a lump sum retiring allowance and one-time senior scholar research and scholarly activity fund on their retirement.

OCUFA supports Laurentian faculty decision to move forward with repayment plan

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SUDBURY/TORONTO, September 14, 2022 – The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) supports the decision by creditors, including the Laurentian University Faculty Association (LUFA) and the Laurentian University Staff Union (LUSU), to move forward with the negotiated Plan of Arrangement under the Companies Creditor Arrangement Act (CCAA). The implementation of the plan will be essential to secure a future for Laurentian University in Sudbury.

“While this does not dampen the hurt and suffering at Laurentian, approving the Plan of Arrangement is a necessary step for Laurentian to continue serving the campus and Sudbury communities after 20 months of unnecessary challenges and immense loss,” said Sue Wurtele, OCUFA President. “Ontario’s academic community supports Laurentian’s faculty, staff, and students as they enter this phase of the rebuilding process and continue to call for accountability, transparency, and collegial governance from the university administration and the Ford government.”

In addition to debt repayment conditions, the plan includes a commitment to LUFA and their faculty  members’ input on the future of university governance and priority payment for vacation pay claims over and above what is required by the CCAA, as well as ensures the continuation of the pension plan and security for about 600 full-time jobs. Outside of the plan, LUFA was also able to negotiate provisions for three new faculty appointments, and will continue to advocate for increased faculty complement.

OCUFA was part of a coalition that called for accountability from the government and university administrators after Laurentian declared insolvency in February 2021. A preliminary report from the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario found that Laurentian’s CCAA filing was inappropriate and could have been avoided. The report also detailed poor management decisions and financial choices by administration officials, limited transparency, and a lack of action from the provincial government, resulting in the loss of almost 200 faculty and staff positions and the elimination of 69 academic programs. Following campaigns by LUFA, LUSU, OCUFA, and their allies, university President Robert Haché and Vice-President Academic and Provost Marie-Josée Berger—who had led the CCAA process—announced their retirements in July.

“The leadership change at Laurentian is a positive development, but the new leaders must work with university faculty to ensure a robust future for the institution,” said Wurtele. “Questions remain about why the Ford government didn’t step in earlier to prevent this catastrophe, and the Laurentian community—and all Ontarians—deserve answers and assurance that this will never happen again in Ontario.”

Laurentian will seek final approval from the Superior Court of Justice on October 5 and can start implementing the plan.

Founded in 1964, OCUFA represents 17,000 faculty, academic librarians, and other academic professionals in 31 member organizations across Ontario. It is committed to enhancing the quality of higher education in Ontario and recognizing the outstanding contributions of its members towards creating a world-class university system. For more information, please visit the OCUFA website at


For more information, contact:
Manisha Aggarwal-Schifellite, Communications Lead at 416-306-6033 or