It’s time to fix equal pay in Bill 148

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The review of Ontario’s labour laws has brought new momentum to addressing unpredictable scheduling, the lack of equal pay for work of equal value, and the fact that many contract faculty do not have access to benefits.

As part of the Ontario Federation of Labour’s Make It Fair campaign, they produced a video profile of Wilfrid Laurier University contract professor Kimberly Ellis Hale. In the video, Kimberly tells her story and makes the case for fixing Bill 148. Join Kimberly, and send a letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne today encouraging the government to fix and pass Bill 148.

Through advocacy around Bill 148, university faculty are working with new allies. The Decent Work and Health Network recognizes the negative impact on personal health and community wellbeing of precarious work. And students, staff and faculty on campus are working through cross campus alliances to achieve wins for campus workers, like a $15 starting wage for food service employees.

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