Preserving the quality of university education in Ontario: OCUFA’s recommendations for the 2017 Ontario Budget

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OCUFA has set out its priorities for the 2017 Ontario Budget in a written submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Preserving the quality of university education in Ontario provides a vision for postsecondary education founded on a strong, comprehensive system of public funding that is accessible, high quality, and provides good jobs.

Ontario’s universities currently receive the lowest level of public per-student funding in Canada, are not hiring full-time faculty at the rate necessary to keep pace with student enrolment, and have the highest student-faculty ratios in the country.

OCUFA’s recommendations to the Standing Committee include:

  • Increasing per-student funding for Ontario’s universities to match the average for the rest of Canada;
  • Making a commitment to supporting faculty renewal, including full-time faculty hiring that brings Ontario’s student-faculty ratio in line with the rest of Canada and replacing retiring faculty with tenure-stream positions;
  • Ensuring fairness for contract faculty by strengthening employment and labour laws;
  • Rejecting the use of punitive performance-based funding in the renewed university funding model; and
  • Establishing a new higher education data agency to collect, analyze, and disseminate key information on Ontario’s universities.

The full submission can be downloaded here.

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