OCUFA BOARD MOTION: Solidarity with Brescia Faculty Association and the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association

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That the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association stands in solidarity with the Brescia Faculty Association and the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association to denounce the unilateral decision by both of their university administrations to “integrate” Brescia University College into the University of Western Ontario. The OCUFA Board opposes the process followed in reaching that decision, the steps that have been taken by both the Brescia and Western administrations since that decision, and the continued lack of transparency, commitment to collegial governance procedures and respect of the collective agreements in place. The Board also recognizes the unique and significant status of Brescia as Canada’s only women’s university college. At a time when the safety of women and trans people is increasingly threatened, it is especially concerning; student choices for equitable and safe spaces such as Brescia should be protected, not taken away. The Board calls on Brescia University College and the University of Western Ontario to work meaningfully with collegial governance procedures, and with faculty and staff associations at Brescia and Western to ensure that the path forward will respect and align with conditions of existing collective agreements.

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