New articles from Academic Matters

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There is more to Academic Matters than just the print issue. New articles are being added to the Academic Matters website every week. Here are some recent articles you might find interesting:

Remote teaching and technology-facilitated gender-based and sexual violence
By Jordyn Perreault-Laird, OCUFA; Mina Rajabi Paak, OCUFA; Rebecca Godderis, Wilfrid Laurier University
“As provincial and federal governments continue to ask Ontario residents to socially and physically distance in response to the COVID-19 public health crisis, people have been increasingly finding themselves in dangerous environments, both in-person and online, that have led to experiences of gender-based…”

Care work during COVID: A letter from home about privilege, resilience, and capitalism in the academy
By Soma Chatterjee, York University
“The impacts of COVID-19 will reverberate for years and likely decades to come. The threads of inquiry, not to mention the personal, political, and ethical lessons this tiny virus has revealed, are innumerable. Everywhere you turn, opinions, critiques, coping strategies, mutual aid practices, educational…”\

Baby matters: Gender politics beyond COVID-19 and the “Aunts” of academia
By Enrica Maria Ferrara, University College Dublin
“Having children is exciting but challenging. Economic uncertainty, environmental anxiety, and lower fertility rates are among the contributing factors that lead many to opt out of parenthood. Babies have also been damaging to women’s careers from time immemorial, especially in traditionally male-dominated fields…”

Addressing anti-Black racism in post-secondary institutions can transform Canada after the COVID-19 pandemic
By Neil Price, University of Toronto
“COVID-19 has brought issues of racism and inequality in our education systems into stark relief. We must now consider the role of colleges and universities in transforming Canada for the better after coronavirus. Some have argued that the humanities and social sciences have a…”

How anti-Black racism on Canadian university campuses robs us all
By Kristin Moriah, Queen’s University, Ontario
“I attended Western University in the early 2000s with a cohort of first-generation Black Canadian friends from my high school in Ajax, Ont. At Western, we became active in the Black Student Association (BSA). The BSA pushed the department of English to offer a…”

Ethical challenges loom over decisions to resume in-person college classes
By Neta C. Crawford, Boston University
“By early July, about 80% of U.S. campuses were planning to resume at least some in-person instruction, even as a growing numbers of faculty are voicing concerns about safety. As Michael Sorrell, president of Paul Quinn College, argues, “Because we do not yet…”

Beyond the black hole of global university rankings: rediscovering the true value of knowledge and ideas
By Stephen Dobson, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington and Edward Schofield, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington
“The recent release of global university rankings and the way these are reported raises important questions about the role and reputation of our tertiary institutions. Are universities measured and ranked according to what we really value? Or are they ranked and valued only by what…”

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