New articles from Academic Matters

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There is more to Academic Matters than just the print issue. New articles are being added to the Academic Matters website every week. Here are some recent articles you might find interesting:

Gender pay gap: It’s roughly half-a-million dollars for women professors across a lifetime
“There are substantial, long-term impacts from the gender pay gap for faculty at Canadian universities. Recent research from our multidisciplinary team, which includes expertise in equity policy, political science and cognitive science with mathematical modelling, shows that over the course of a career and…”

Online and in-person exams both have problems – that’s now clear. Unis have a window of opportunity to do better
“The pandemic pushed universities to launch or accelerate plans for delivering examinations online. These forced transitions have often been painful, involving stress and burnout. Exams have been a big pain point. There are many accounts from the pandemic of widespread cheating in online exams. These…”

Where has the joy of working in universities gone?
“As universities engage in the current round of enterprise bargaining, it is timely to remember the importance of joy at work. It seems everywhere you turn workers are walking away from their jobs. Industries like hospitality and health have been hit particularly hard. But no…”

What is Québec’s Bill 32 on academic freedom, and why does it matter?
“In the wake of the controversy over the suspension of a professor at the University of Ottawa for using the n-word in a 2020 lecture, the Québec government hopes to pass Bill 32, a proposed act “respecting academic freedom in the university sector…”

Why big university surpluses in Australia underscore the need to reform how they are funded and governed
“The election of a new Labor federal government probably drew sighs of relief across the higher education sector. University staff and students will be hoping for a more sympathetic approach than they received from the Coalition government. Tertiary education lobby groups have already put forward…”

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