Full-time faculty at Algoma University ratify new agreement

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Congratulations to the members of the Algoma University Faculty Association Full-Time unit for negotiating their 2023-2026 agreement, ratified in early March. The faculty association is represented by OPSEU/SEFPO Local 685. Notable increases were achieved on salary, with Across-The-Board (ATB) increases of six per cent, four per cent, and three per cent respectively over each of the three years. This is the association’s first agreement following the Bill 124 moderation period, and therefore increases reflect the losses suffered due to the wage restraint legislation on a go-forward basis. Other compensation provisions include an early retirement incentive that provides access to the same insured health and dental plans as for those actively employed. A joint committee has also been established to discuss and analyze options regarding defined benefit and other types of pension plans given that most members are in a faculty Group RRSP arrangement.

Another set of gains worth highlighting is concerning the Indigenization, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (IEDI) mandate of the university. A land acknowledgement was negotiated into the agreement, and identifies the traditional territories of the Sault Ste. Marie, Brampton, and Timmins campuses. IEDI considerations are now included in appointment procedures. On tenure and promotion, a letter of understanding was negotiated that will allow a joint committee to review the structure and function of the Peer Review Committee regarding the University’s decanal structure, faculties, special mission, and IDEI objectives. Indigenous Ceremony expenses are now eligible for professional expense reimbursement.

On workload, there are new course releases related to external research grants and Speakers of Senate duties, as well as a stipend for service on faculty appointment and promotion and tenure committees. Members will also see improved teaching support effective Spring 2024.

In an important gain for members in Contract Limited Term Appointments (CLTA), those in their third year of such appointments are eligible to apply to transition into a Tenure-Track appointment in their department.

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