Information about Ontario university reopening plans for fall 2020

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OCUFA is collecting data and information about Ontario university and university-college reopening plans for the fall 2020 term. We have compiled a database of reopening plans, including mode of delivery and faculty choice over delivery mode, research recovery plans, access to research buildings and offices, library services, and COVID-19 related letters of understanding.

The information provided in this resource was collected from university and faculty association websites  and  additional data was collected  by  surveying  OCUFA members  during August 2020. Of OCUFA’s 31 members,  27  associations submitted responses  to  the  general survey sent to faculty association presidents. Additionally, a separate survey was distributed to academic  librarians and archivists. We  received  responses from  librarians and archivists  across 17 associations.

This resource is a living document and will be regularly updated. Please contact Martyna Siekanowicz or Mark Rosenfeld if you would like to provide additional or updated information.

You can find more OCUFA resources related to COVID-19 here.

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