Ontario creates Technical Advisory Group on retirement income security

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On January 28, 2014, Premier Kathleen Wynne announced the creation of a Technical Advisory Group to advise the government on strengthening retirement security in Ontario. This follows last week’s appointment of Paul Martin as a special advisor on the creation of a provincial pension plan.
The new advisory group will “advise the government on how to improve the retirement income system, including an Ontario-based alternative to a Canada Pension Plan (CPP) enhancement.” The group consists of six pension specialists, including Bill Morneau, Keith Ambachtsheer, David Denison, Susan Eng, Melissa Kennedy and Jim Keohane.
Retirement security is an important issue for OCUFA and its members, and we support the Government of Ontario’s initiative to create a “made-in-ontario” plan to help ensure adequate retirement income for every citizen. This is particularly important to the large – and growing – number of precarious contract faculty in Ontario, who may not otherwise have access to a pension plan.  

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