Only a few spots remaining for the “Confronting precarious academic work” conference

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Registration is almost full for OCUFA’s upcoming “Confronting Precarious Academic Work” conference to be held February 11-12, 2016 in Toronto. Individuals interested in attending should register now to ensure they have a spot at this important gathering.

The growing number of university faculty hired on a contract basis – and the insecure working conditions they face – has far reaching implications for everyone who works and learns in our universities.  With an estimated one-third of faculty now employed on a precarious basis, what does the future hold for academic employment?  Can the trend toward precarious academic work be reversed, and if so, how?  What can be learned from the experience of those currently confronting the realities of precarious work in Canada and other countries?  How can we re-imagine a better and more secure future for all faculty?

Join us for two days of insightful presentations and engaging discussion aimed at addressing these urgent questions.  with speakers and participants from universities, research institutes, unions, and government in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

Speakers include:

  • Karen Foster, Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Rural futures for Atlantic Canada, Dalhousie University
  • Guy Standing, University of London, author of The Precariat – The New Dangerous Class (2011) and A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens (2014)
  • Robyn May, University of Melbourne, researcher on the Gender and Employment Equity: Strategies for advancement in Australian universities project
  • Maria Maisto, New Faculty Majority, USA
  • Jonathan White, Policy Officer, Universities and Colleges Union, UK
  • Glen Jones, Professor of Higher Education at OISE/University of Toronto
  • Plus many more!

OCUFA will also be releasing new public polling data on perceptions of precarious academic works at a special conference session.

The regular registration fee is $400.00; and $375.00 for OCUFA members, which includes continental breakfasts, lunch, refreshments, an evening reception, and all materials.  The rate for contract faculty and students is $150.00.

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