For the first time ever, tuition fee revenue has exceeded public operating funding for Ontario’s universities. Tuition fees now account for almost 51 per cent of the university operating budgets across the province. “Our universities are meant to be public – that is, supported by public dollars,” said Kate Lawson, President of OCUFA. “The fact […]

For the first time ever, tuition fee revenue has exceeded public operating funding for Ontario’s universities. Tuition fees now account for almost 51 per cent of the university operating budgets across the province. “Our universities are meant to be public – that is, supported by public dollars,” said Kate Lawson, President of OCUFA. “The fact […]

Last week, OCUFA participated in consultations with the Associate Minister of Finance and submitted a formal written brief regarding the provincial government’s proposed Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP).  Our presentation and submission focused on the needs and concerns of the growing ranks of contract faculty at Ontario’s universities and the potential for them to benefit immensely from the establishment […]

Faculty at the University of St. Michael’s college reached a tentative agreement with the employer on Feb. 6, 2015. Ratification by faculty and the Collegium (akin to a Board of Governors) are expected in the next few weeks. The faculty at St. Michael’s – represented by the University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA) – was […]

When a policy is proposed, the burden of proof lies with the people making the proposal. They need to explain why the new policy is better, and they need to provide evidence to support their claim. This is how sensible policy gets made. The Government of Ontario is interested in performance funding for universities. That […]

The following is a message from the Nipissing University Faculty Association, regarding the cuts to faculty appointments announced this week On Wednesday, February 4, the Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) learned that the Employer, Nipissing University, will not be renewing 22 faculty appointments for the 2015-2016 academic year. We are profoundly saddened and dismayed by […]

The Government of Ontario is undertaking public consultations about the design of the proposed Ontario Retirement Pension Plan. OCUFA will be submitting a brief and participating in the consultations, and we also encourage faculty associations to participate. Upcoming locations for in-person consultations include Markham, Brampton, Thunder Bay, Ottawa, Etobicoke, Windsor, Woodstock and Stratford. These meetings […]

TORONTO – The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is pleased to announce the 2015 winners of the prestigious Lorimer Award. This honour recognizes individuals who have worked to protect and promote the interests of Ontario’s academic staff through collective bargaining. This year’s winners are: Sheila McKee-Protopapas, Executive Director, Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association […]

TORONTO—The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s Status of Women Award of Distinction. The award, sponsored by OCUFA’s Status of Women Committee, recognizes women who have improved the lives and working conditions of academic women and, by extension, their students, colleagues, families, and friends. This […]

The Government of Ontario is undertaking public consultations about the design of the proposed Ontario Retirement Pension Plan. OCUFA will be submitting a brief and participating in the consultations, and we also encourage faculty associations to participate. Upcoming locations for in-person consultations include Markham, Brampton, Thunder Bay, Ottawa, Etobicoke, Windsor, Woodstock and Stratford. These meetings […]

On Friday, January 30, 2015, OCUFA President Kate Lawson presented OCUFA’s 2015 Pre-Budget Brief to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs (SCFEA). The Brief, entitled Strong Universities for a Strong Ontario argues for renewed investment in higher education and increased faculty hiring. Every year, SCFEA conducts hearings in the run-up to the provincial budget. The committee then makes recommendations […]

Below is a message from Scott Prudham, President of UTFA, regarding a support request for faculty at the University of St. Michael’s College, who are currently in bargaining and facing a legal strike/lockout date on Feb. 6th. Dear colleagues, UTFA is negotiating a second contract for faculty and librarians employed by the University of Saint […]