SUDBURY, July 18, 2022 – As a new academic year approaches, the Laurentian University Faculty Association (LUFA), Laurentian University Staff Union (LUSU), and Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) are demanding accountability and transparency from the Laurentian Senior administration and the Government of Ontario. Faculty, staff, and students at Laurentian University have experienced a […]

There is more to Academic Matters than just the print issue. New articles are being added to the Academic Matters website every week. Here are some recent articles you might find interesting: Gender pay gap: It’s roughly half-a-million dollars for women professors across a lifetime “There are substantial, long-term impacts from the gender pay gap for faculty at Canadian universities. Recent research from our multidisciplinary team, which includes […]

OCUFA is proud to announce that writer Simon Lewsen and photographer Chloë Ellingson have won the Mindset Award for Reporting on the Mental Health of Young People at the Canadian Association of Journalists Awards. Their article, Inside the Mental Health Crisis Facing College and University Students , was financially supported by OCUFA’s Mark Rosenfeld Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism and published in the November 2021 issue of […]

OCUFA is proud to announce that Nigmendra Narain has been elected as the organization’s new Vice-President. Since 2000, Nigmendra has been a Lecturer in Political Science at Western University, teaching first-year students and courses in International Relations and TV & Politics. He has been involved with the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association in many […]

On the weekend of May 14–15, the OCUFA Board met for its first hybrid meeting since the beginning of the pandemic and the final meeting of the 2021-22 academic year. Members attended in person and joined virtually from across Ontario to discuss the provincial election, political advocacy, on-campus action, and new postsecondary education developments in […]

The Nipissing University Faculty Association Full-Time Academic Staff Bargaining Unit (NUFA, FASBU) has ratified a one-year rollover of their collective agreement, with a few improvements. In addition to the existing course releases provided to the association, a three-credit course release, or equivalent, for the position of “Indigenous Faculty Representative to the Association Executive” will be […]

OCUFA is pleased to announce that Tahmeed Shafiq and Jadine Ngan are the recipients of the 2022 Mark Rosenfeld Fellowship in Higher Education. Tahmeed and Jadine will be investigating the causes of student suicide and their impacts on campus and in the broader community. Their investigative research will take on a national scope. By consulting […]

On May 6, the OCUFA University Governance Committee held a virtual workshop, entitled “The Erosion of Collegial Governance: Reclaiming Lost Ground.” The workshop was a hands-on, training-focused event aimed at supporting OCUFA member associations and faculty and academic librarian representatives on governing bodies in their advocacy and activism around shared governance. The workshop was introduced […]

OCUFA has released a new video that celebrates the energy, commitment, and dedication of faculty, academic librarians, and other academic professionals across Ontario. The past year has been challenging, with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of Laurentian University, but OCUFA’s members have persevered and shown that they are energized and ready to redouble […]

During the Ontario election campaign, OCUFA has been monitoring party platform announcements and asking parties pointed questions about where they stand on important policies that will shape the future of postsecondary education in the province. OCUFA has now completed a comprehensive analysis of each party’s commitments for postsecondary education and evaluated how they measure up […]

The Ontario Universities and Colleges Coalition (OUCC), of which OCUFA is a member, has written an open letter to Elections Ontario highlighting the need for on-campus polling stations. There are major documented successes with on-campus polling stations in both the 2015 and 2019 federal elections cycles, with a 60 per cent increase in campus voter […]

After months of negotiations, substantial member engagement, and a strong strike mandate, the York University Faculty Association (YUFA) has ratified a three-year collective agreement that makes major gains for its members and bolsters education quality at York University. With regard to equity, the new agreement increases hiring for Indigenous and Black faculty, librarians, and archivists […]

In the lead-up to the Ontario election, OCUFA sent a survey to all major political parties in the province. The survey asked questions about party positions on OCUFA’s priority issues in this election. To-date, all Ontario’s major political parties, except for the Progressive Conservative Party, have responded to the survey. Read the Ontario New Democratic Party’s responses. Read the Ontario Liberal Party’s responses. Read the Green Party of Ontario’s responses. We hope these responses are helpful […]