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Press Releases

2024Click to show/hide

2023Click to show/hide

2022Click to show/hide

Ontario faculty support call for public inquiry into Laurentian debacle

Bill 124 declared unconstitutional after Charter challenge by OCUFA member organizations, allies

Unsealed Laurentian documents show university avoided transparency, accountability during financial crisis

Auditor General report details administration mismanagement, lack of government action to help Laurentian

OCUFA stands in solidarity with Ontario education workers and condemns Ontario government’s tabled back-to-work legislation

OCUFA Awards of Distinction honour Ontario academic community members

OCUFA supports Laurentian faculty decision to move forward with repayment plan

Laurentian faculty, staff, and provincial association demand accountability and transparency to rebuild after CCAA

Ontario university faculty and academic librarians give a failing grade to Ford’s election budget

University masking mandates must continue

Auditor General of Ontario finds Laurentian manufactured financial crisis, government ignored warning signs

French language programs at Laurentian should be restored following report exposing failures by university and Ford government

New poll: Increased university funding, good jobs, more student aid should be priorities of next Ontario government

With tuition fees frozen, Ontario Budget should increase university funding and student financial assistance

University equity work must include job security, equal pay, and benefits for contract staff

OCUFA united in solidarity with striking faculty at the Université Sainte-Anne

Access to Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario vital for both unionized and non-unionized workers

OCUFA extends message of solidarity to striking faculty at the University of Lethbridge

Laurentian’s collapse driven by Ford government’s agenda of austerity and privatization

Faculty and academic librarian voices ignored as universities rush return to in-person learning

OCUFA disappointed Laurentian still resisting accountability for CCAA devastation

OCUFA stands in solidarity with striking faculty at the Concordia University of Edmonton

As Omicron surges, Ontario faculty and academic librarians concerned for their physical and mental health

2021Click to show/hide

OCUFA supports college faculty bargaining for better working conditions

OCUFA stands in solidarity with the University of Manitoba Faculty Association

OCUFA announces recipients of the 2020-2021 Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards

Carleton University’s Melanie Adrian receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

Ryerson/X University’s Annette Bailey receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

University of Toronto Mississauga’s Mairi Cowan receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

McMaster University’s Rosa da Silva receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

University of Toronto’s Dragana Obradović receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

University of Waterloo’s Kathryn Plaisance receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

University of Toronto’s Micah Stickel receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

OCUFA pleased that Federal NDP’s Northern Platform commits to reforming CCAA

OCUFA welcomes Federal Liberal Party’s commitment to exempt public postsecondary institutions from corporate restructuring

OCUFA alarmed by last-minute fall guidelines for postsecondary education that ignore science, compromise health and safety

OCUFA welcomes government mandating vaccine policies for postsecondary institutions

Trent professor Sue Wurtele appointed OCUFA President

Jill Dunlop appointed the new Minister of Colleges and Universities

OCUFA condemns hateful murder of Muslim family in London

Graduate students from the University of Ottawa and Trent University recognized with Mandelbaum Fellowships

Professors from Guelph, Queen’s, Toronto, and Western honoured with OCUFA service awards

OCUFA pleased with decision to deny university status to Canada Christian College

Ontario faculty tell Minister of Colleges and Universities Ross Romano he’s fired!

Romano strikes again, severs Northern Ontario School of Medicine with no warning or consultation

Laurentian’s senior leadership and Minister of Colleges and Universities should step down in wake of financial crisis

OCUFA calls for resignation of Ross Romano amid devastating cuts to jobs and programs at Laurentian University

CCAA process continues to fail public institutions as Laurentian Senate is forced to vote on restructuring package

OCUFA/EKOS poll: Provincial government should provide additional funding to Laurentian

2021 budget a missed opportunity to invest in Ontario’s future

Faculty appalled there’s no money for Laurentian in new government funding for postsecondary education

No need for new stand-alone college nursing degrees

Laurentian University President is wrong: There’s no respect for stakeholders in CCAA process

OCUFA, CUPE Ontario, and LUFA appeal CCAA court’s decision to seal vital communications between Laurentian University and government

As Laurentian’s funding crisis continues, Ministry of Colleges and Universities refuses to take action

Wilfrid Laurier University faculty member honoured with OCUFA’s Award of Distinction for advancing and promoting equity

OCAD University faculty member honoured with OCUFA’s Award of Distinction for advancing and promoting equity

Queen’s University professor honoured with Lorimer Award for outstanding work advancing faculty rights

Erosion of governance and public funding cause of Laurentian University financial crisis: Minister must provide long-term funding

2020Click to show/hide

Pandemic has caused decline in education quality according to new poll of university students and faculty

Future health of Ontario universities uncertain as government refuses to change course on funding

OCUFA opposes Ontario government circumventing democracy and public debate on Bill 168

Jenny Ahn hired as next OCUFA Executive Director

OCUFA announces recipients of the 2019-2020 Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards

University of Toronto’s William Cluett receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

Western University’s Joel Faflak receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

Carleton University’s Kim Hellemans receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

University of Guelph’s Shoshanah Jacobs receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

Laurentian University’s Aaron Langille receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

Student, faculty, and staff safety concerns must be prioritized in plans to return to campus

Prerna Subramanian wins 2020 Mandelbaum Fellowship for PhD level of study

Fitsum Areguy wins 2020 Mandelbaum Fellowship for Masters level of study

Ontario spring economic statement contains vital investments in health care and marginal increase in postsecondary education funding but continues to fail province’s workers

Ontario Tech University faculty member honoured with OCUFA’s Award of Distinction for advancing and promoting equity

York University professor honoured with OCUFA’s Award of Distinction for advancing and promoting equity

Ryerson University professor honoured with award for outstanding work defending faculty rights

CUASA Director honoured with award for outstanding work defending faculty rights

Northern Ontario School of Medicine professor honoured with Lorimer Award for outstanding work advancing faculty rights

OCUFA joins labour coalition challenging constitutionality of Ford government’s violation of workers’ rights

2019Click to show/hide

Faculty applaud court ruling that strikes down Ford government’s unlawful “Student Choice Initiative”

Contract faculty meet in Kingston and London to highlight impacts of precarious work at Ontario universities

OCUFA announces recipients of the 2018-2019 Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards

McMaster University’s Sue Baptiste receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

University of Guelph’s Daniel Gillis receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

Western University’s Jennifer Irwin receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

University of Toronto Mississauga’s Andrew Petersen receives prestigious OCUFA teaching award

Ontario Universities and Colleges Coalition opposes Ford government’s “performance” funding for postsecondary institutions

OCUFA estimates Ford’s “performance” funding could cut university budgets by over $500 million dollars

Without a president, a mandate, or the trust of sector stakeholders, now is the time to shut down HEQCO

Rahul Sapra appointed OCUFA’s 33rd president

Government attack on workers’ rights will deny fair wages and benefits to contract faculty and already underpaid academic staff

Rebecca Ellis wins 2019 Mandelbaum Fellowship

Ontario faculty alarmed by proposal to overhaul university funding in provincial budget

Ontario’s university faculty troubled by results of Student Voices on Sexual Violence survey

Wilfrid Laurier University professor honoured with OCUFA’s Award of Distinction for advancing and promoting equity

Trent University professor honoured with OCUFA’s 
Award of Distinction for advancing and promoting equity

St. Jerome’s University professor honoured with Lorimer Award for outstanding work advancing faculty rights

OCUFA report reveals systemic discrimination and harassment in use of university student questionnaires

Reckless government announcement threatens education quality and students’ rights

2018Click to show/hide

University and college faculty, students, and staff call on Ontario government to protect workers’ rights and withdraw Bill 47

Ontario faculty deeply disappointed with government repeal of $15 minimum wage and fair labour laws

Ontario Universities and Colleges Coalition:
Statement on government-mandated free speech policies

OCUFA announces winners of the 2017-2018 Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards

University of Toronto’s Michelle Craig wins prestigious OCUFA teaching award

McMaster University’s Robert Fleisig wins prestigious OCUFA teaching award

Brock University’s David Hutchison wins prestigious OCUFA teaching award

University of Toronto Mississauga’s Fiona Rawle wins prestigious OCUFA teaching award

Ryerson University’s Frankie Stewart wins prestigious OCUFA teaching award

Ontario’s faculty concerned with government effort to tie funding to university free speech policies

Ontario poll: Supporters of all political parties concerned about growing numbers of contract faculty

Professors from Wilfrid Laurier and Laurentian honoured with OCUFA Service Awards

Queen’s University student Galen Watts wins 2018 Mandelbaum Fellowship

OCUFA strongly condemns government attempt at tabling back-to-work legislation

Southwestern Ontarians believe fair university workplaces are key to high quality education

Education quality at risk as expanded access to university not matched with additional funding in Ontario Budget

Eastern Ontarians believe fair university workplaces are key to high quality education

Northern Ontarians believe fair university workplaces are key to high quality education

Laurentian professor honoured with Lorimer Award for outstanding work advancing faculty rights

2017Click to show/hide

2016Click to show/hide

2015Click to show/hide

2014Click to show/hide

2013Click to show/hide