
The following is a message from the Nipissing University Faculty Association, regarding the cuts to faculty appointments announced this week On Wednesday, February 4, the Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) learned that the Employer, Nipissing University, will not be renewing 22 faculty appointments for the 2015-2016 academic year. We are profoundly saddened and dismayed by […]

On December 8, 2014, Nipissing University completed “Phase 1” of its planned layoffs. Local media reported that 16 positions were lost, including 14 in senior management. The university administration is indicating that two more rounds of layoffs are imminent: one affecting unionized support staff, and a final one affecting faculty on teaching contracts. Layoffs of support […]

The Confederation of Alberta Faculty Associations (CAFA) has launched a new campaign protesting recent university funding cuts in their province. The “ Alberta’s Universities Support Everything ” initiative argues that Alberta’s universities are the foundation of economic and social life, and that cuts put the province’s future in danger. The Government of Alberta recent cut university funding by seven per cent, which has resulted […]

On Wednesday, June 5, 2013, the Government of Ontario announced significant changes to teacher education in Ontario . Unfortunately, they chose to accompany their curriculum changes with a 33 per cent cut to per-student funding for teacher colleges. Some of the structural changes – doubling the length of teacher education from one year to two years – were expected, and will help bring […]

The Drummond Report claims that it “protects annual growth in postsecondary funding at a time when many other public services will be rationalized.” True, it does recommend that postsecondary expenditures continue to increase by 1.5 per cent per year. But a quick look at the data reveals the truth: Drummond actually recommending a severe cut […]

After reviewing the final report of the Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services, faculty and academic librarians are unimpressed. Drummond has provided Ontario with a poor plan for ‘transforming’ our public services, and is essentially a plan for huge cuts to public spending hiding behind a screen of poorly costed and ill-considered recommendations […]